Venezuela: Parliament wants to expel the EU ambassador, the Portuguese Isabel Brilhante Pedrosa


The Venezuelan parliament, with a “Chavista” majority, unanimously approved a resolution asking the Government of President Nicolás Maduro to declare the European Union (EU) ambassador, the Portuguese Isabel Brilhante Pedrosa, “persona non grata”.

The approval came at the request of the president of the parliament, Jorge Rodríguez, and comes after the EU added 19 people to the list of sanctions against personalities of the Venezuelan government, a decision that Caracas says is “erratic” and attributes to the “Failure of European interventionist plans.

“I raise both hands to ask that the EU representative declare himself ungrateful. I raise both hands to ask for a review of the conditions in which there is a European Union (representative) office here in Venezuela,” said Jorge Rodríguez .

The president of the Parliament also said to raise both hands “to condemn an ​​action against Venezuelans and Venezuelans, sanctions that go against the sovereignty of Venezuela, against our kind of dignified human beings, loyal to the homeland of Bolívar (Simón).”

“I also submit for consideration that (…) we take [uma queixa] to the United Nations Human Rights Commission, which is attacking the human rights of Venezuelans and Venezuelans, through the action of these unilateral, illegal, flagrant and criminal coercive measures ”.

The “agreement to condemn actions, unilateral, rude and illegal coercive measures, issued by the European Union, against 19 senior officials of the Venezuelan government” was approved unanimously by the deputies of Parliament, elected on December 6, 2020.

This is the second time that Venezuela has declared the representative of the European Union in Venezuela, the Portuguese diplomat Isabel Brilhante Pedrosa, persona non grata.

On May 29, 2020, the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, ordered his expulsion, giving him 72 hours to leave the country.

Nicolás Maduro’s decision was made a few hours after Brussels sanctioned 11 more officials from Caracas.

“Who are they to sanction, to try to impose themselves with the threat? Who are they? Enough! That’s why I decided to give the EU ambassador in Caracas 72 hours to leave our country and demand respect from the EU,” Maduro said in time., in a television intervention.

The EU immediately condemned the decision and warned that reciprocity measures would be taken. Borrell urged the Venezuelan authorities to reverse the decision, noting that the measure will only bring “greater international isolation” of Caracas.

On July 2, Nicolás Maduro welcomed an agreement between Brussels and Caracas to suspend the expulsion of the diplomat and urged the EU to change its relationship with the South American state.

“[Peço] that the EU enters into another understanding and that there be a profound historical rectification of the role it has played in its relationship with Venezuela, ”said Nicolás Maduro.

The EU added 19 people to the list of sanctions targeting personalities of the Venezuelan regime on Monday, due to their “role in acts and decisions that undermine democracy and the rule of law” in the country.

The decision refers to the legislative elections that took place in December 2020 in Venezuela and that the EU foreign ministers refused to recognize as “credible, inclusive and transparent.”

With the addition of these 19 people, the sanctions package against Venezuela now targets a total of 55 personalities, who are prohibited from traveling to Europe and their assets frozen in the European space.

The ministers also state that “the EU will continue to collaborate and work with all of Venezuela’s civil partners to promote a peaceful dialogue and a democratic and sustainable solution to the crises in the country.”

The sanctions package against Venezuela was adopted in November 2017 and includes “an embargo on arms and equipment [utilizados] for internal repression “, but also the” imposition of travel bans “and the” freezing of assets “of those on the list.
