Varginha has 21 cases of coronavirus, says bulletin of the State Department of Health


The coronavirus bulletin of Department of State of Health of Minas Gerais is divergent of the bulletin Varginha Municipal Health Department. According to the SES bulletin published this Sunday (3), Varginha appears with 21 confirmed cases of coronavirus and one recorded death. For the State Department of Health, the total number of confirmed cases is the sum of confirmed cases that did not progress to death and deaths confirmed by COVID-19.

The bulletins published by the Municipal Health Department on Saturday (02) and this Sunday (03), Varginha He has 20 confirmed cases, including death. The information was confirmed by the Communication Department of the City Council.

When analyzing the latest bulletins of the Municipal Health Secretariat, Varginha Online found inconsistency in the presentation data in relation to the total number of reported cases. Since last Thursday (04/30), the number of reported cases appears with 1083. This number represents the sum of confirmed cases, cases discarded by examination, cases under investigation, cases under supervision and those discharged from the hospital. Monitoring According to data from this Sunday’s bulletin, the total number of reports was expected to be 1093.

Another fact that draws attention in the bulletin is that the number of people monitored and the number of discharges remain the same as on Thursday, 166 for monitoring and 755 for discharge. These numbers are for all patients who have reported flu-like symptoms. These are mild cases and are isolated in the home. In these cases, no evidence was collected.

The Municipal Health Secretary does not disclose information on the number of patients cured, but according to what we learned from the City’s Department of Communication, at least 11 patients who were diagnosed with covid-19 are already cured.

Understand the daily bulletin of the Varginha Municipal Health Secretariat

Confirmed cases: who were positive on the exam.

Discarded by laboratory tests: who were negative on the exam.

Under investigation: waiting for the exam result.

Monitoring: all patients who have flu-like symptoms have been reported. These are mild cases and are isolated in the home. Evidence is not collected here.

Discharge monitoring: These are patients who have been in isolation at home for 14 days.

Total notified: Patients showing suspicious symptoms with Covid-19.

Hospitalized: Hospitalized patients.

Total suspicious deaths: deaths that were collected exams.

Investigation deaths: death pending examination results.

Discarded deaths: Covid-19 negative test deaths.

Confirmed deaths: deaths with positive results for Covid-19.

Quick tests As of 04/23/2020, rapid tests (serological) were made available through the private network.
