Valentina’s stepmother accuses pai da criança of being obliged to hide or corpo. Sandro mantém a versão de morte acidental – National


O pai e a madrasta da menina que morreu na passada quarta-feira, 6 de maio, victim of a violent crime já foram ouvidos. Márcia insists that she is not a victim and explains that her husband’s hair has been hidden and Valentina’s body is hidden. Sandro insists on a version of accidental death, refuted by Polícia Judiciária (PJ).

Terá has been a stepmother of Valentina to firstira to be ouvida this terrace, May 12, no Tribunal de Leiria, Avança or “Correio da Manhã”. Despite always being denied, I now confess that I assisted you, that I cried out for the menina and that I perceived that I was seriously fermented. Ainda assim não terá feito nada e depois ajudou or husband to hide or corpo. Diz ter was forced to hide or corpo e alleges that either husband lhe batuu to get or ajusese. She also related that she has been dressed to dress Valentina and that you have, together with her husband, Tinham Levado or Corpo for a serra.

O pai continues to defend tese from accidental death. He explained that he was in the house with a girl to try to find out if she would be the victim of sexual abuse by a friend of mine. Sandro continued to insist that the girl did not want to tell. He explained that he has never battled more than Valentina has had a seizure and that death has resulted from this incident. Sandro Bernardo did not manage to explain the lesions of violence seen in an autopsy of the body.

The first deposit takes place for 10 hours in this season, and will last for two hours. Or interrogation ao pai foi mais curto e rapid. The Public Ministry can now be held in custody for the stepmother who is suspended from the murder of Valentina Fonseca. As measures of coação will be made this quarta-feira, May 12, hair medium-day.

Valentina Fonseca, a 9-year-old girl, morreu na passada quarta-feira, 6 de maio, depois de various pancadas grave na cabeça. Or the main suspense is the country that insists on a version of accidental death. Depois da situção de violência, a menina terá ficado 13 hours em agonia e só depois terá morrido. The alert of the disappearance of the city was given on the following day and the authorities told me that they had also learned of their own hair. The body was found not on a Sunday and on the day that Márcia and Sandro were arrested for an alleged involvement in the death of the filha.
