Vaccines can arrive between “late this year and early next”


A Press conference to update information regarding infection for the new coronavirus It is led, this Friday, by the Secretary of State for Health, Diogo Serras Lopes and it has already started.

The day the case registry of infection (4,656) and Deceased (40) related to COVID-19-19, in Portugal, Diogo Serra Lopes began by highlighting that these numbers “are clearly superior to those registered in March me April and put even more pressure on SNS“. However, it guarantees the same, “OR SNS responded, is responding and will continue to respond to pandemicand it needs help from citizens to reduce this “pressure”.

“As fundamental as the response capacity is the duty to reduce infections and this is also in our hands. Only with responsible behavior can we reduce the number of infections and the pressure on him SNSstressed the official, adding that “we have difficult weeks ahead.”

Even before going to the journalists’ questions, Diogo Serras Lopes announced that, in the last 24 hours, there was an increase of 93 inmates, six of whom were in intensive care units (FIA). The maximum number of patients hospitalized at the same time FIA is now 275, exceeding the number of April (271).

The occupancy rate is therefore 84% in the wards and 81% in the intensive care unit (FIA).

Vaccinations at “end of this year, beginning of next”

Regarding vaccines, the Secretary of State for Health admitted that the government and DGS they have “hopes” that between “the end of this year and the beginning of the next, naturally in limited quantities”, these began to be available and they informed journalists that the Government must soon present to Diogo Serras Lopes the vaccination plan against COVID-19-19, but the criterion of this will depend “What vaccines are involved and how many will be available at that time.”

Already questioned about the Moto GP, the day it became known that there are 14 cases of COVID-19-19 in the Formula 1 teams that were in Portimão, the minister reiterated only that “the evolution of pandemic makes all future measures and events permanently evaluated “and chose not to comment further on whether the event was canceled or not.

ARS from the north is already sending patients COVID-19 for private hospitals

The Secretary of State for Health revealed this Friday that “in ARS in the north there are already sick COVID-19-19 in a private health institution “.

Despite this, Diogo Serras Lopes assured “We can guarantee that medical care is being provided.” “Capacity in the north is assured”, he assured, repeating that the capacity is extensible.

On this issue, the minister also stressed that “OR SNS it works on a network and it is on a network that it should work. We have several hospital units with different capacities “, and praised the response of the Tâmega e Sousa Hospital Center, pressured by the increase in patients.

In this sense, the rest of the units in the region are already receiving patients from Tâmega and Sousa.

“It is premature to draw conclusions” about mortality

Regarding the excess mortality of almost 8 thousand, Diogo Serras Lopes highlighted that it is “something that must be studied carefully, which requires the codification of the different pathologies inherent to death and these studies can take your time […]. It is premature to draw conclusions. “

The official added that “reports will be made, as this is something that must be studied carefully.” For this, the “coding of the different inherent pathologies” must be carried out. Deceased.

[Notícia em atualização]

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