Vaccination. PS deputies devastate Ana Rita Cavaco. “It is a shame”


The parliamentary leader of the PS, Ana Catarina Mendes, accused the president of the Order of Nurses of not dignifying her profession and of pettiness. Ana Rita Cavaco is being criticized by several PS deputies after writing, on social networks, that the political commentator “Daniel Oliveira and others like him are nothing but dung.”

The president of the Ordem dos Enferiros has written several controversial texts about political leaders who were improperly vaccinated.

The latter, in response to a chronicle by Daniel Oliveira who accused the president of “leading a witch hunt on social networks”, described the commentator and former militant of the Bloco de Esquerda as “a manure that talks about me to have a stage ”.

The publication of the president of the Order of Nurses is being criticized by several socialist deputies. Ana Catarina Mendes responded on Twitter and considered that the president does not dignify her profession.

“The use of rudeness, defamation, insult, contrary to what you think, does not dignify it. It says a lot about this lady’s meanness, indecency, and bad manners! It is this! Poverty of spirit, ”he said.

Isabel Moreira was one of the first PS figures to react. The socialist deputy shared the position of Ana Rita Cavaco and was “in solidarity” with the commentator. “I think it is important to take a position,” he wrote.

Tiago Barbosa Ribeiro also wrote, on his Facebook page, that “this is a shame, especially for the nurses who are represented by this lady.”

The socialist Edite Estrela described the position of president as unqualified. “Just one question: are the nurses still seen in the chair?” Asked the deputy and socialist leader.

This is not the first controversy with Ana Rita Cavaco over the vaccination process. The Secretary of State for Decentralization and Local Administration, Jorge Botelho, who coordinates the fight against covid-19 in the Algarve region, announced a week ago that he had filed a defamation complaint against the president of the Ordem dos Diseiros.

Fura-Row and Smart-Boys

Jorge Botelho said at the time that the complaint, sent by mail to the Tavira District Court of Justice, is for the “crime of defamation aggravated by the” statements of the bastonária written on social networks.

Ana Rita Cavaco classified Secretary of State Jorge Botelho and his wife, Margarida Flores, director of the Faro District Social Security Center, on social networks as “fags and smart kids” for allegedly being improperly vaccinated. “He took it, they say, from his family and some socialist friends and plays the role of playing smart children to get the vaccine,” he wrote.

The official guaranteed that “this information is totally false and its disclosure is intended to question the honesty of the Secretary of State and his wife, who has not received any dose of the vaccine.”

In recent weeks, several cases of inadequate vaccination have been reported that led to the resignation of Francisco Ramos, coordinator of the vaccination plan against covid-19. The O_PSD presented a bill in the Assembly of the Republic to punish those who “violate the criteria defined in the vaccination plan” with a prison sentence of up to three years.
