Vaccination plan. Costa says it is inadmissible “to give up protecting life according to age”


António Costa guarantees that it is inadmissible “to give up protecting life according to age.

Minutes earlier, the Minister of Health sent a clarification to the media, where she guaranteed that the government guarantees that the vaccination strategy has not been discussed with the Ministry of Health or validated.

The Ministry of Health considers that “The vaccination strategy against Covid 19, in preparation by the Directorate General of Health (DGS), has not yet been discussed with the Ministry of Health or politically validated.”

In a statement, the Ministry of Health says that “The information that is made public is contained in a purely technical document and is fragmentary and out of date.”.

The draft document puzzled some experts, considering that older people should be among the first to be vaccinated, due to the high mortality among these age groups.

CDS requests urgent hearing of Francisco Ramos

The CDS-PP today requested an urgent parliamentary hearing of the head of the working group that will outline the vaccination plan against covid-19 in Portugal, the former Secretary of State for Health, Francisco Ramos.

“In Portugal, there is still no vaccination plan (against covid-19) and only now a ‘task force’ has been created that must structure this entire process,” criticizes the Christian Democratic parliamentary bench, through a request addressed to the president of the Parliamentary Health Commission.

The CDS considers that this ‘working group’ “has a critical and fundamental mission” and that it is an “operation that, in addition to being extremely complex, is a true race against time.”

However, the information is “scarce, vague and contradictory,” defended the party led by Francisco Rodrigues dos Santos.

For this reason, the CDS-PP parliamentary group requests “an urgent hearing of Dr. Francisco Ramos” in that parliamentary commission, “to provide all the clarifications about the vaccination plan against covid-19.”

The CDS “is concerned about this matter, especially because there is a possibility that the pharmaceutical companies that are producing the covid-19 vaccines have reservations about sending doses to countries that do not have well-delivered systems.” mounted “.

Yesterday it was up to the PSD parliamentary group to criticize the Government for “only now” determining the development of a vaccination plan against covid-19, demanding that the socialist executive make this strategy known as soon as the document is “approved”.

“Although many European countries have already approved their respective vaccination plans against covid-19, the Portuguese Government has only now determined the development of this plan, which is known to be a critical element in the fight against the pandemic,” he criticized the PSD, in the request, addressed to the Minister of Health. Cheers, feared Marta.

The PSD added that “all the logistics” associated with vaccination are ignored, that is, the “locations and conditions of transport, storage and administration, the health professionals responsible for that administration, the definition of priority groups or the moment and generalization”. vaccination of the population “.

The order for the constitution of this commission, signed by the ministers of National Defense, Internal Administration and Health, was published in the Diário da República on Thursday.

The coordination unit of the working group is in charge of delivering within 30 days all the documents necessary for the complete definition of the vaccination plan against covid-19, both from a logistical point of view (storage and distribution of the different vaccines), as a vaccination strategy (identification of priority target groups, administration and clinical monitoring of results and adverse reactions).

A communication plan with the population on vaccination against covid-19 must also be defined. It must also articulate with the responsible bodies of the Autonomous Regions of Madeira and the Azores all the necessary aspects to carry out the vaccination plan against covid-19 in those regions.

Last week, the prime minister revealed that Portugal was willing to buy around 16 million doses of three covid-19 vaccines, adding that Brussels is preparing to combat disinformation campaigns in relation to vaccination.

c / The day after tomorrow
