Useless and harmful closure and curfew, defends São João internist


The internist António Ferreira, from the São João Hospital, considered this Monday that the measures to combat covid-19 that stop social and economic activity, such as confinement and curfew, “are useless and harmful.”

In his speech at the “71 minutes for health” conference, organized by the National Health Convention, António Ferreira began by stating that he is not a denier.

“I know that the Covid-19 pandemic is a very serious public health problem and also a social one. I strongly defend non-pharmacological prevention measures, based on social distance, hand hygiene and the use of a mask and do not subscribe to the positions of some countries and some researchers and epidemiologists who defend that the virus is allowed to circulate to create immunity of group, “said the expert.

He also said he disagreed “radically with the attitudes and strategy that is being followed to combat the pandemic in most industrialized countries and also in Portugal”, but which is strictly adhered to.

For António Ferreira, from the Porto Faculty of Medicine, “confining more, confining less, not confining, has no effect on what matters, which is mortality.”

“Extremist and sanitary measures, not other preventive measures, are harmful, have a serious social and economic impact, lead to social misery, induce an increase in social conflict,” he said.
