USA: ‘Proud Boys’ leader confident in Trump’s victory


“I’m ‘super’ motivated, I see all these people here, this whole line (of cars) behind us. We are really going to win. We have a winning energy and we are going to get four more years ”, the leader of the“ Proud Boys ”told Lusa, rejecting the accusations of extremism.

“I am an American supremacist. None of this is related to race. ‘To hell with racism’, to hell with anti-Semitism, to hell with fascists. I am an American, ”added Tarrio, 36, a Miami resident of Cuban descent.

The male-only group ‘Proud Boys’ was founded in 2016 by American far-right ideologue Gavin McInes and deemed an “extremist organization” by US federal authorities in 2018.

At the end of last month, the current president of the United States and candidate for re-election by the Republicans, Donald Trump, refused to criticize the ‘Proud Boys’ saying even in the first presidential debate with the Democratic candidate, Joe Biden, that the extremist organization should “Wait” and be “Prepared”.

“We will win”, Tarrio stressed today that during the demonstration with thousands of vehicles he wore a black T-shirt with Trump’s phrase “Stand Back and Stand By” to the sound of the song “Make America Great.” Again ”, one of the Republican Party campaign anthems.

Tarrio appeared surrounded by members of the group dressed in military clothing and accompanied by dancers in miniskirts.

The ‘Proud Boys’ have been part of the car parade of Donald Trump supporters since the beginning of the afternoon, which began on the outskirts of Miami and which around 17:00 (22:00 in Lisbon) was in “La Little Havana ”. city ​​where the Cuban community is concentrated, especially the exiles of the Havana regime.

Previously in Tamiami Park, the leader of the ‘Proud Boys’ was one of the most acclaimed speakers by Trump supporters, before the automotive column began to move to downtown Miami.

The parade in support of Donald Trump was sometimes crossed by a column of supporters in Joe Biden’s cars, going in the opposite direction, with no recorded incidents despite occasional insults from Republican supporters calling Democratic candidate Joe “garbage.” communist”. Biden.

Early voting begins on Monday in Florida, a state considered decisive mainly by the votes of citizens of “Latino” origin for the final results of the November 3 elections.

Most of the “Latinos” in Florida are from Cuba, Venezuela, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic and are a group of particular political interest due to the growth of immigration in recent decades.

On the other hand, so far, voting by mail in Florida has been significant, with 2.4 million votes sent by mail as of last Saturday, out of a total of 3.3 million ballots registered by state electoral authorities.

By: Pedro Sousa Pereira (text) and Mário Cruz (photos) sent from Agência Lusa
