US Elections: Trump and Biden Answer Voter Questions, But Highlight is Savannah Guthrie’s Restraint


Current US President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden competed for television audiences Thursday night, answering questions from voters on different stations. Joe Biden answered questions from voters on ABC News, in Philadelphia, on a program moderated by George Stephanopoulos. Donald Trump was present at the studies of NBC, in Miami, in the program that also broadcasts MSNBC me CNBC, with moderation by Savannah Guthrie.

The programs town hall It replaced the debate that was supposed to take place in Miami, Florida, however, the event was canceled after Donald Trump tested positive for covid-19 and refused to participate in the debate in virtual format.

Savannah Guthrie pressured the US president with questions about his debts, actions in relation to the coronavirus and, also, about the movement that is accused of propagating right-wing conspiracy theories, QAnon.

The moderator has been praised on social media for having verified Trump’s statements in real time during the debate, and for refuting his rhetoric, which is normally not questioned, reports the guardian.

Earlier in the broadcast, Savannah Guthrie asked Donald Trump multiple times if he had been tested and had received a negative result for COVID-19 on the day of the first debate against Biden. Trump did not respond directly, stating that he tests frequently, but without confirming if they had done so that day or when he would have received the last negative test. “Possibly I did,” the president replied.

Regarding the adoption of a containment strategy by some states, Trump reiterated that “the cure should not be worse than the disease.”

After Trump claimed that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had found that “85% of people who wear a mask [coronavírus]”Guthrie corrected the president, explaining that that was not what the investigation said. The survey indicated that, of a group of 150 infected with covid-19, 85% said they had used a mask.

Regarding the acceptance of the November election results, Trump said he would accept a “peaceful transfer” but wanted it to be “an honest choice.”

Guthrie questioned the Republican about QAnon (a movement online linked to the extreme right (which the FBI believes is a potential terrorist threat), but the president said he knew nothing about the group. Without deviating from the topic, the moderator suggested to Trump that he would have knowledge of the conspiracy theory, which was widely publicized in the press and had the support of many of his supporters. In response, the President of the United States said that what he “heard” about them is that they “are strongly against pedophilia.”

Trump continued without convicting QAnon, after this week he shared a post for a QAnon account on Twitter stating, without any basis, that Joe Biden had ordered a team of seals of the Navy. Guthrie confronted Trump with the exchange, which, in turn, argued that it was just “a retweet” and that “people can decide for themselves.”

In response to the NBC moderator, Trump again diverted the response to the investigative report from the New York Times – that pointed to the president of the United States a debt of 421 million dollars (more than 358 million euros at the current exchange rate) – and claimed that he owed “a very small amount of money” and that the amount owed would be “a tiny percentage” of his “net worth.”

After the broadcast, Trump’s communications director issued a statement saluting Trump’s performance and accusing Savannah Guthrie of being Joe Biden’s “replacement.”

In Philadelphia, with the ABC NewsBiden called for a much stronger national response to COVID-19, noting that the president had missed “great opportunities and continued to say things that were not true” and that he had been “told how dangerous this virus was.”

The former vice president declined to re-state his position in court, but told moderator George Stephanopoulos that he had previously opposed the idea of ​​adding additional judges to the court. However, he left the door open to change his mind, depending on how Senate Republicans handled confirming Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination in the coming weeks.

When asked about his role as the author of the 1994 crime bill and the impact it had on mass arrests, Biden admitted that its elements were a “mistake” but argued that conditions had changed “drastically” since that the law was passed.

A mother asked the Democratic candidate what he would do to protect LGBTQ + rights, but he replied that he would only “change the law,” ensuring that in the case of a Biden administration, he would work to ensure they have the same rights and opportunities.

To a voter who asked about the possibility of restoring “courtesy and honor” in American politics, Biden responded that, if elected, he would first “call the Republicans” to speak, recalling that, for more than 35 years. As a senator, he was known for his ability to dialogue with the rival party.

Prior to the November 3 election, candidates Donald Trump and Joe Biden are scheduled to hold a debate on October 22 in Nashville, Tennessee, mediated by Kristen Welker of NBC News.
