US Attorney General No Evidence of Widespread Voter Fraud | Elections USA 2020


United States Attorney General William Barr questioned the electoral fraud complaints that Donald Trump has raised since his defeat in the November 3 presidential election, stating that his Justice Department found no reason to question the victory of the Trump candidate. Democratic Party Joe Biden.

“To date, we have not found evidence of fraud on a scale that could have led to a different outcome in the election,” Barr said in an interview with the Associated Press news agency on Tuesday.

In response, Trump’s personal attorney and his top representative in the ongoing lawsuits, Rudy Giuliani, questioned the Justice Department’s determination to investigate the allegations of voter fraud.

“With all due respect to the attorney general, there is no shadow of an investigation by the Department of Justice,” said Giuliani and Trump’s other attorney on fraud allegations, Jenna Ellis. in a sentence.

The President of the United States did not comment on the statements of the Attorney General of his Administration and continued to launch charges of electoral fraud without supporting them with evidence, through messages published on Twitter and on the television channels most viewed by his followers, such as OANN and Fox News.

Common conspiracies and failures

In an interview with the Associated Press, William Barr stressed that the United States Department of Justice is not the best place to investigate the “problems” that Donald Trump’s electoral campaign has with those responsible for the elections in the different states. And, indirectly to complaints by Trump and his supporters that he has done little to defend the US president, Barr said the Justice Department should not be at the forefront in discussions about the electoral system.

“There is a growing trend to use the Justice Department as a one-size-fits-all solution. When people see something they don’t like, they want the Justice Department to act and investigate, ”said the United States Attorney General. “The department investigates crimes and elections officials inspect the results of elections in their states.”

William Barr also said he is only aware of one widespread fraud allegation, of a dimension that could influence the bottom line. In reference to a press conference by Trump’s lawyers two weeks ago, in which lawyer Sidney Powell spoke about a plan that would involve former Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, the US CIA and a voting machine company to transfer Trump voted for Biden, the US Attorney General said “so far, nothing has been found to corroborate this.”

This Wednesday, a spokesman for the Department of Justice even said, anonymously, that the media they are advancing “incorrect” information by stating that “the department has completed its voter fraud investigations and found no evidence of fraud.”

“That is not what the Associated Press wrote, nor is that what the attorney general said,” the spokesman said. quoted by CBS journalist Catherine Herridge. “The department will continue to vigorously receive and investigate all specific and credible fraud complaints as quickly as possible.”

This reaction of the Department of Justice does not contradict the news advanced by the majority media of Barr’s statements – what is being said is that the attorney general said that he received no substantiated allegations of fraud, and not that the department concluded its investigations.

And at the same time, the backlash supports the idea that Trump’s lawyers have yet to provide evidence of widespread fraud, a month after the presidential election.

So far, attorneys for the President of the United States have filed complaints of common wrongdoing with the courts in all elections and unfounded assumptions. In the overwhelming majority of cases, as they did in Pennsylvania over the weekend, judges have refused to accept or follow up on these complaints, often with decisions shattering attorneys’ arguments.

Certification completed

With the certification of the electoral results in the states of Wisconsin and Arizona this Monday, the validation process of Joe Biden’s victory in the six states in which Trump complains of electoral fraud is completed. Georgia was the first, followed by Michigan, Pennsylvania and Nevada.

The next step toward Biden’s inauguration as the 46th president of the United States, on January 20, takes place on December 14. That day, the Electoral College voters meet in their states to vote according to the result of the popular vote in the November 3 elections and, in this way, confirm the victory of Joe Biden.

The last step before the inauguration takes place on January 6, when the United States Congress meets to read and certify the votes of the Electoral College.
