US Abandoned Open Skies Treaty


Signed on March 24, 1992, the Open Skies Treaty – of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) – allows each member state to conduct short-term unarmed reconnaissance flights over the other territories to collect data on its military forces and activities. That is, with the purpose of perceiving, photographing from the air the different territories, if neighbors or rivals are preparing military attacks. However, according to a statement from the department headed by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the United States broke with the same six months after former President Donald Trump announced that it will do so.

It should be noted that the argument made by the US for the withdrawal is that Russia prevents the country from controlling its military exercises from the air and does not allow flights over regions where Moscow is believed to have nuclear weapons that can reach Europe. , specifically in Kaliningrad and near the Georgian separatist regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. It is worth mentioning that the European allies raised objections for fear that this decision would lead Russia to also prohibit the overflight of its territory through the Baltic bays, and this is useful to control movements.

The US secret services suspect that Russia is using these flights to identify US structures that may be vulnerable to cyber attacks. However, on the social network Twitter, the Russian ambassador in Vienna, Mikhail Ulyanov, wrote: “As of today, the United States is no longer a party to the Open Skies Treaty. A significant advance. Let us not forget that the participation of States United was a precondition for the entry into force of the Treaty. Now, the question is what will Russia do. All options are open at this stage, “wrote the diplomat. At his side, German Chancellor Heiko Maas,” deeply regretted the US withdrawal, although he stressed that the German position “on the treaty does not change” and remains committed to an agreement considered “essential”.

In the official text of the treaty, available online in various versions, including the Portuguese one, it can be read that, among others, the member states must “promote greater openness and transparency in their military activities” and “strengthen security by adopting of security measures “. confidence “and should” contribute to the future development and strengthening of peace, stability and cooperative security in this area by creating an open sky regime for aerial observation. “

Today, consistent with the previous notice provided, the United States’ withdrawal from the Open Skies Treaty is now effective. The United States is safer as a result, as Russia continues to default on its obligations.

– Secretary Pompeo (@SecPompeo) November 22, 2020
