United Kingdom detects a new variant of coronavirus and returns to confine the population


A mutation of the new coronavirus identified in much of England forced the government of Boris Johnson, British Prime Minister, to crack down on it.

London will thus return, as of Wednesday, to the maximum level of alert and consequent confinement. Nine million people live in the British capital. In addition to the capital, there are several other areas of the country that will confine the population when entering alert level three, the most serious, such as Essex, Kent and Hertfordshire.

According to the British Health Minister, “the virus has doubled its contagion capacity every seven days in these areas.”

There are at least a thousand identified cases of this new variant that have a higher level of contagion. It has not yet been determined whether the symptoms of this variant are stronger or weaker than the already known variants of the virus, however, it may be a problem for vaccines that are beginning to appear.
