Union of Journalists condemns threats in protest of restoration


The Union of Journalists condemned the threats made to journalists during the demonstration of the restaurant’s businessmen this Saturday in Rossio, Lisbon, defending that the images recorded there are “sufficient” to open a judicial investigation.

In a statement, the Union of Journalists (SJ) “condemns and deplores the threats to which at least one journalist, on duty for the Observer, was subjected during the protest of the restaurant’s businessmen, this Saturday, in Rossio, in Lisbon “.

According to the Observer, one of the teams from that newspaper and online radio that was at the demonstration “was threatened by the protesters and had to be removed from the scene, seconds after one of the protest leaders had criticized a report by the Observer, which referred to the presence of 200 people in the demonstration, and was out of date. “

Shortly after these criticisms of the Observer from the stage, a dozen protesters ran angrily towards the Radio Observador team, easily identified by the microphone. Faced with the threat of imminent aggression, PSP removed our team from the place, to ensure their safety, “reports that newspaper, adding that” other journalists present in Rossio were also the target of threats of aggression from the protesters.

The SJ “urges the management of the Observer to act accordingly, that is, to file a complaint with the competent authorities in defense of the journalist.”

Furthermore, the union hopes that PSP, “despite having ensured the physical integrity of the journalist, act accordingly against those who threaten, since this episode constitutes a public crime“.

The SJ also argues that the images, broadcast by television channels and media sites, “of threats and insults to the journalists who were in Rossio covering the demonstration are still sufficient to the prosecutor opens an investigation to know the responsibilities. “

The Union “will file a complaint, considering that these acts cannot be exempt from reproach “.

“We all live in difficult times, but insecurity or revolt can never justify threats to journalists, who are fulfilling their mission to inform. Furthermore, if it weren’t for journalists and the protests they would not have an echo in the population,” he emphasizes .
