UN resolution. The United States and Israel voted unsuccessfully and isolated on the pandemic


The non-binding United Nations General Assembly resolution, passed Friday, even unexpectedly benefited from the abstention of Ukraine and Hungary, two generally staunch supporters of US policy at the UN. Only Israel supported the United States’ objections against the remaining 169 states that participated in the vote.

The resolution considers the “role of a comprehensive immunization against Covid-19 as a common health good, by preventing, containing and stopping transmission, in order to put an end to the pandemic, as soon as safe and quality vaccines are available. “. effective and affordable “.

The Cuban amendment calls for the suspension of the economic or financial sanctions decreed unilaterally by one country against another, which aggravate the effects of the pandemic. The amendment passed almost unanimously underlines in particular the need for “an urgent lifting of unjustified obstacles in order to guarantee universal, timely and equitable access and fair distribution of all essential, quality, safe and effective health technologies and products. and including its components and precursors that are necessary to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic. ”

The amendment also calls on member countries to refrain from “enacting and applying any unilateral economic, financial or commercial measure that does not comply with international law and the Charter of the United Nations,” something the United States and Israel have rejected in view. not only sanctions against Cuba but also against Iran.

The United States also raised objections to two paragraphs of the resolution that defended the “sexual and reproductive health” of women.

The debate over the resolution also saw an exchange of accusations between the United States, which accused China of hiding the truth about the pandemic, and Chinese diplomat Xing Jisheng, who cited recent revelations by Bob Woodward about an interview with Trump. , to ask rhetorically: “Who hides the truth?”
