Ukraine’s ambassador leaves the interview with RTP when asked about the condolences presented in April by the Government


“Sorry, we’re done.” This is how Ukraine’s ambassador to Portugal, Inna Ohnivets, interrupted an interview with RTP about the death of Ihor Homeniuk. The diplomat left the interview when questioned about how she had proceeded with a message of condolence presented by the Portuguese government in April this year.

This Friday, the Minister of Internal Administration, Eduardo Cabrita, met with the ambassador of Ukraine to inform her of the decision to pay compensation to the family of Ihor Homeniuk, also realizing that in April the Portuguese Government had transmitted a message of condolence.

“Following the Condolence request transmitted in early April to the family of Ihor Homeniuk, through the Ukrainian embassy in Lisbon, Eduardo Cabrita delivered today [ontem, sexta-feira] a letter to the widow, Mrs. Oksana Homeniuk, informing her of the Government’s decision to assume, on behalf of the Portuguese State, the responsibility for the payment of the compensation, ”said the Ministry of the Interior in a statement.

Later, in an interview with RTP, the Ukrainian ambassador confirmed the content of the meeting with Eduardo Cabrita, but did not hide his discomfort with questions about what the Ukrainian diplomacy did with the message of condolences (the widow of Ihor Homeniuk told this week the SIC, which was never contacted by the Portuguese Government about what happened).

“We had a meeting in April and he [ministro Eduardo Cabrita] conveyed his condolences, “admitted the Ukrainian ambassador. When asked by RTP about how it followed up on this message of condolence, the diplomat began by talking about the consul’s participation in this process, but urged to clarify with certainty how far that message reached the ambassador finished the interview.

The Ukrainian citizen Ihor Homeniuk died on March 12 of this year at Lisbon airport, after the attacks by three inspectors of the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF), at the Lisbon airport, where he had arrived two days earlier, and was rejected. stay in Portugal.
