UK wants to know if Covid-19 was ‘born’ in a Chinese laboratory


The United Kingdom is the last country to open a comprehensive investigation into the origin of pandemic from Covid-19, and does not rule out the possibility that she was “born” in a Chinese laboratory, according to information revealed by the station television brittounique Sky news.

The authorities consider “very probable” that the new coronavirus if it has spread naturally, and is not man-made, but it is crucial to know where the outbreak started in order to better understand it.

The publication stresses that, however, this does not mean that it did not accidentally emerge from a research laboratory. Wuhan (city considered the epicenter of pandemic) that analyzed the bats that carry the disease.

In this way, the United Kingdom joins a series of other countries, including the United States, that seek to know the true origin of the pandemic from Covid-19.

The information appears approximately 24 hours after China reinforces the version of the theory that points to the new coronavirus it has been created in the laboratory has no “scientific basis”.

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