UK eases Christmas measures to facilitate family reunions


The British prime minister will relax restrictive measures to combat the pandemic at Christmas to facilitate family reunions, at a time when a reinforcement of three billion pounds for the health service is announced.

The relief from restrictions was confirmed by Downing Street, the official residence of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Johnson is expected to detail his plan on Monday to reestablish a three-tiered restraint system starting on December 2, the end of containment measures enacted in England on November 5.

The new plan foresees a pause in some of the social limitations between December 22 and 28, although an agreement is pending for a similar calendar with the rest of the United Kingdom, and Boris Johnson should agree with the autonomous governments Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, according to Sky News television.

The British prime minister, who remains isolated after being in contact with a deputy who tested positive for covid-19, will explain how “they will be able to see their loved ones at Christmas”, making it clear that “this will not be the case.” a normal holiday season “said an executive spokesman.

Outside of the Christmas period, restrictions in the regions hardest hit by the pandemic will be tougher than those imposed in October in England.
