UK abandons joint EU action on climate change


The energy deals established between the UK and the European Union in the post-Brexit period leave the British out of joint EU action against climate change, but ensure that major environmental targets are met.

The details of this trade agreement, reached by both parties and made public this Saturday, reveal that the United Kingdom will withdraw from January 1 the joint actions of European countries against climate change, according to the Efe news agency.

However, according to the same source, the United Kingdom will continue to respect key environmental principles, such as prevention, integration and payment of damages by those who cause pollution.

Thus, as of next year, the British will no longer be able to access the European Union’s emissions trading system, an important tool in the fight against greenhouse gas emissions, since it allows efforts to be shared between countries. Europeans.

However, both the United Kingdom and the European Union recognize that they are part of a “shared biosphere”, which implies a joint coverage of the current objectives agreed between the two, which will therefore remain in force from January.

This scope includes objectives and goals, such as recycling waste by 2030, water by 2027 or establishing air pollution limits by 2030.

This agreement also resulted in a commitment to achieve climate neutrality throughout the economy by 2050, placing the fight against climate change on the same level as democracy, human rights and the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

The trade agreement also includes guarantees on the security of energy supply, despite the fact that the British leave the energy market of the European Union.

After January 1, the United Kingdom will also leave the European Atomic Energy Community and, from that date, the British will be governed by a separate agreement on safe and peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

In this context, the two parties commit to comply with international non-proliferation obligations, without reducing the current level of nuclear safety standards.

The European Union and the United Kingdom reached an agreement on the future post-Brexit relationship on Thursday, four and a half years after the British people decided to ‘divorce’ the European bloc, after a relationship of more than four decades.

The document will now be ratified by the European Parliament and approved by British MPs next week in order to enter into force on January 1, 2021.
