U.S. Majority Supports Trump’s Senate Sentence


northon the eve of the start of the trial of Trump in the Senate, accused of inciting the assault on the Capitol on 6 janeiro in which 5 people died, the survey Ipsos/ABC The news indicates that 56 percent of Americans are in favor of condemning the former president so that he will not run for the presidency again in 4 years, a possibility that Trump has left open.

Demonstrating the divide among American voters, the same poll indicates, however, that 80 percent of Republicans oppose the 74-year-old former president’s Senate trial.

Senate debates will be broadcast on direct Across the country, prosecutors are expected to use video footage of the assault, and also the rally that preceded it, in the vicinity of the Capitol, while the electoral college vote count, which formalized the election of Democrat Joe, takes place. Biden.

Trump is the first president to face impeachment twice in the same period and the only president to be politically tried after he has already resigned.

After being acquitted in the process of the impeachment process By 2020, Democrats are calling for a speedy verdict, but Republicans have also announced that they will try to stop the trial, questioning the Senate’s legitimacy to impeach a president who is no longer in office.

The Constitution establishes that the sentence will only be valid if it has the support of two thirds of the 100 senators, 45 of whom are Republicans, and of these few are in favor of the former president’s conviction.

On Tuesday, starting at 1 pm in Washington, the senators will meet to try to agree on the hearing program.

In a petition presented today in the Senate, on the eve of the start of Trump’s impeachment trial, the former president’s lawyers consider that the accusation is wounded by unconstitutionalities, foreshadowing legal and constitutional arguments that they intend to present in the coming days.

Trump’s defense will argue that the former president was only exercising his First Amendment rights to the Constitution (de protection freedom of expression), when he challenged the election results and incited supporters to demonstrate peacefully on Capitol Hill.

The lawyers confirmed that Trump will not make statements in the Senate, in a trial that will have no witnesses and that he will be detained on Saturday, at the request of the former president’s defense team, to respect the Jewish holiday.

The removal article approved by the Chambertimes Representatives accuse Trump of “inciting insurrection”, attributing responsibility direct hair acts of violence in the attack on the Capitol, on 06 janeiro, which caused five deaths.

Trump’s lawyers also say the Senate has no right to judge the former president because he already left the White House on September 20. janeiro, in an argument that is contested by Democrats and some Constitutionalists.

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