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The Chamber of Viana do Castelo has drawn up an economic recovery plan that provides for an “incentive bazooka” to reactivate the economy, based on tourism, urban rehabilitation and civil construction, creative industries, information technologies and business incubation.

Presented today, the Economic Recovery and Reactivation Plan “Activate the Economy, Increase Employment” provides tax exemptions, from the exemption of the Municipal Tax on Onerous Real Estate Transactions, to the exemption of the Municipal Property Tax and support for investment projects in the areas. of the four pillars that support the plan.

The objective of this plan is “to recover and reactivate the local economy to consolidate and increase employment in Viana do Castelo”, as well as “to mitigate the effects of the covid-19 containment measures”, to “relaunch the economy and employment “, and demonstrate” that Viana do Castelo is a municipality favorable to investment. “

The plan presented is based on four pillars: the first is Tourism, Business / Industry, Hospitality / Restoration and Beverages, the second Urban Rehabilitation and Civil Construction Activity, the third Creative Industries, Information Technology and Incubation and the last encompasses Agro-industrial activities and economy of the sea.

“Today’s presentation, I would say, is a real tax incentive bazooka. Our Prime Minister spoke about a financial bazooka of the European Union. We are making a real bazooka of incentives and attraction of investments ”, defined the councilor with the portfolios of Urban Planning and Management, Urban Rehabilitation, Economic Development, Mobility, Territorial Cohesion and Tourism, Luís Nobre.

The program foresees “a set of instruments of fiscal aid and of economic attractiveness that, simultaneously, support the reinvestment of companies and aim to attract new investments”.

Among the planned measures, we highlight the incentive to tourism companies (hotels and tourism) through the exemption of license fees in all urban operations, exemption from IMT liquidation, exemption from IMI for a period of five years and support and monitoring of investment projects.

In the area of ​​”business reception”, the municipality intends to exempt all urban operations from the payment of licenses, as well as to exempt them from the IMT settlement and have a bonus on the transfer price of the land.

Regarding the hotel, restaurant and beverage areas, the plan provides for the exemption of fees for public space with terraces, exemption from fees for fixing advertising or occupying the public domain.

Luis Nobre explained that it is not possible to indicate “the economic amount” to spend because, he justified, “it will depend on the result” of the measures presented.

“In the end, what we are doing is creating conditions, financial and attractive instruments for companies, hotels, economic activities to set up shop in Viana,” he said.

In the presentation of the Economic Recovery and Reactivation Plan “Activate the Economy, Increase Employment”, the mayor’s president, José Maria Costa, said that it is intended to have “two actions” with the project: “The first to reactivate the economy, or that is to say, create the conditions to create a set of attractive incentives so that companies can, once again, have confidence in Viana do Castelo, have confidence in our economy ”.

The mayor also mentioned as a second option the need for unity and effort required by the economic context.

“This is the moment when we are all called to clearly support what has to do with economic recovery. We have to make a great effort to give confidence to our companies and continue working, as we have been doing, in new investments, but above all to maintain and implement these measures that we will work together, ”said José Maria Costa.
