Twelve infected Nepalese workers removed from T3 in Gondomar – Observer


Twelve men of Nepalese nationality who worked in a sushi restaurant in Rio Tinto, in the municipality of Gondomar, were removed today from a department of the Bom Pastor Seminary (Valongo) because they were infected with Covid-19, said an official source.

In a telephone interview with the Lusa agency, the mayor of Gondomar, Marco Martins, confirmed that the 12 Nepalese all lived in a T3 apartment in Rio Tinto, in the Porto district, and, after a complaint, they were examined in Covid-19, with positive results. This Saturday morning they were transferred to the Bom Pastor Seminary, a rearguard structure in the Ermesinde district, in the Valongo municipality.

“Yesterday we received from the Municipal Police, close to dinner time, a complaint that there would be a group of foreign citizens in an apartment, potentially infected and without conditions, and immediately a patrol advanced to the place and verified, in fact, the situation . In the next hour an inspection of the apartment was carried out, with the health authority, Civil Protection and Social Security, and 12 citizens of Nepalese nationality were checked. […] that he had tested positive on Wednesday 18 ”, he explained.

The house, he stressed, “does not have capacity for 12 people.”

The workers, who “did not speak Portuguese,” were “cooperative” and “were afraid,” but lived without “living conditions or basic equipment,” Marco Martins said.

The apartment was evacuated this morning and the workers will be temporarily at the seminary until at least some of them can return home.

“They will return to the apartment, which is paid for by the owner of the restaurant where they work, but the whole situation will have to be investigated in detail and they will not be able to return everything. The space does not have conditions for 12 people ”, reiterated the mayor.

The transportation of the 12 workers was in charge of the Volunteer Firefighters of Areosa-Rio Tinto, with the support of Civil Protection, Municipal Police, Health Authority, Social Security and the PSP, and the restaurant was closed on Friday night by Municipal Police and health authorities.

The National Border Service (SEF) was also called to the site. Not all workers had an employment contract.

The restaurant “can only reopen now after disinfection and compliance with all hygiene and safety standards, and after the health authority has authorized its reopening,” said the mayor, calling all the performance of the different entities ”. ”.
