Trump warns China of possible pandemic liability


“PI hated being arrested before it started and it wasn’t, “Donald Trump said during the daily press conference at the White House.

“And now everyone is suffering from it,” he said.

Asked whether China should suffer consequences due to the outbreak, which emerged in December in the Chinese city of WuhanTrump said: “They were left behind consciously responsible, no doubt. If it was a mistake, a mistake is a mistake. But gone consciously responsible, yes, then there should be consequences. “

“Was it an uncontrolled mistake or was it a deliberate mistake? There is a big difference. In both cases, they should have warned us,” he added.

The US president said he hoped to see what the Chinese investigation would conclude, adding that the United States was also conducting investigations.

The Trump administration said it still cannot rule out the possibility that the new coronavirus accidentally spread from a bat research lab in Wuhan.

Trump also again questioned official Chinese data showing that the country suffered just 0.33 deaths per 100,000 residents. “That number is impossible,” he stressed.

The United States recorded 11.24 deaths per 100,000 people, against 27.92 for France and 42.81 for Spain, according to a graph presented at the press conference.

The US administration has accused, in recent weeks, the Chinese regime of “hiding” the gravity of the epidemic of greedy-19.

“There has never been any concealment and we will never authorize any concealment,” said a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

Despite recognizing “delays and omissions” in the registry of fatal victims of greedy-19, Zhao Lijian He guaranteed that the Chinese authorities had an “irreproachable response” to the health crisis in the country.

On Friday, Chinese authorities announced that another 1,290 people died in Wuhan, which increases the total number of deaths locations for 3,869. With this to update, the number of fatalities in China increased to 4,632.

These cases had not yet been counted in official statistics because, at the height of the epidemic in the city, some patients died at home, without having been treated in hospitals, so overcrowdingthey declared.

Official figures have so far only included deaths in hospitals, they said, in the note released on social media.

In almost all European countries and the United States, the rate of lethality is more than 10%, almost double that of China, even with this to update authorities Wuhan.

Globally, pandemic from greedy-19 has already caused more than 157 thousand deaths and infected More than 2.2 million people.

The United States is the country with more deaths (more than 36 thousand) and more cases of infection confirmed (more than 700 thousand).

To combat pandemic, governments sent four billion people to their homes (more than half of the world’s population), closed non-essential trade and drastically reduced air traffic, paralyzing sectors of the world economy.

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