Trump throws “bomb” on Christmas Eve: criticizes second anti-covert package and vetoes defense budget


(h) Joyce N. Boghosia / The White House

In addition to failing to enact the $ 900 billion package against covid-19, Donald Trump also did not sign the federal budget until September 2021 and vetoed a broad defense funding bill.

Donald Trump, the president of the United States, posted a four-minute video on Twitter that alarmed the US Congress on Christmas Eve.

The government official considered the response package for the second wave of covid-19, for an amount of 900 billion dollars (about 740 billion euros),a disgrace“. In addition, he threatened to close services starting next Tuesday, leaving the drawer in the drawer. new budget until September 2021.

The outgoing president claim a check for $ 2,000 instead of $ 600 for US taxpayers and the elimination of various funding that he denounced in the anti-covid package, but which, in fact, is part of the federal budget.

According to Expresso, the hot potato is now in the hands of Micth McConnell, the Republican Senate leader who recognized Joe Biden as president-elect. So far, McConnell has not yet given instructions about what the Republicans are going to do.

No video, Donald Trump does not explicitly threaten with a veto, but the president’s decision leaves one open for congressmen Back to work and approve the changes you want.

Nancy Pelosi, Democratic leader in the House of Representatives, responded to the challenge: “Let’s do it!”, She said, adding that, in the session on Christmas Eve, this Thursday, she could raise a new proposal and pass it in this house, where she has the most.

Also this Wednesday, Trump vetoed a broad funding bill Defense, arguing that it favors Russia and China.

The National Defense Authorization Bill, which allocates $ 740 billion (about € 600 billion) to the military budget, “does not include critical national security measures, it includes provisions that do not respect our veterans and our military history and it contradicts my government’s efforts to put the United States first in our national security and foreign policy actions, ”he argued.

Trump opposes the provision limiting troop withdrawals from Afghanistan and Europe and removing the names of former Confederate leaders from military bases. In addition, he qualified the bill as “gift to China and Russia“.

Legislators in Congress approved the measure with a large majority and enough margin to be veto-proof. This means that rejection can be undone.

If Congress does not override the veto, which requires a two-thirds majority in both houses (Representatives and Senate), it will be the first time in 60 years that the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) will not become law.

Trump pardons pai do genro

This Wednesday, Donald Trump signed more a series of pardons presidential elections to his allies, including the father of Jared Kushner, husband of his daughter Ivanka. Besides forgiveness, Charles Kushner, the still president pardoned his campaign manager Paul Manafort and longtime ally Roger Stone, advances AFP.

In total, 26 people were pardoned on Wednesday. The day before, the ruler granted pardons to at least 15 other people, including people linked to the process of Russian interference in the 2016 elections and four security guards from the Blackwater security company, who were convicted of the murder of Iraqi citizens.

Forgiving them feeds impunity and it has the effect of encouraging others to commit the same types of crimes in the future, ”reads a statement from the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, led by former Chilean President Michelle Bachelet.

Liliana Malainho, ZAP // Lusa
