Trump Pressured Georgia Secretary Of State To Forge Votes That Would Guarantee Victory: Observer


US President Donald Trump pressured Georgia Secretary of State and Republican Party member Republican Brad Raffensperger to recount the state’s votes for him in the 2020 presidential election.

The information is provided by the Washington Post newspaper, which obtained a recording of a telephone conversation between the two.

At some point, writes that American publication, Trump can be heard trying to convince Raffensperger to give victory to Republicans in that state. At the other end of the line, the Georgia secretary of state is heard saying that Trump was in possession of false information, alleged voting irregularities, and that he could not do what the president asked of him.

According to the same Washington Post, Donald Trump tried several times to coerce Brad Raffensperger, insisting that he had lost the elections in that state due to irregularities and that the results could not be released.

At one point in the conversation, Trump openly says, “Look, all I want is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes ”. Raffensperger never relented.

In mid-November, Georgia’s secretary of state had publicly denounced pressure not to give victory to Democrats in that region, including death threats, directly targeting figures related to Republicans.
