Trump opens a path to reformat American society following the death of Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg – The Economic Journal


The death of 86-year-old US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, revealed today, September 19, could leave the way open for President Donald Trump to make changes in American society that can be felt in U.S. the next generation, in the next 30 to 40 years, various analysts and media in the United States predict.

“The death of Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg unleashed a titanic political struggle that could shape the future of the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States for the next generation on issues such as abortion, the right to vote and other fundamental issues,” he advances in the online edition. ‘today, donate September 19, the newspaper’ The Guardian ‘.

According to the same medium, “this struggle can also determine the contours of American society for the next 30 or 40 years, taking into account the central role that the Supreme Court of the United States plays in legislation on cultural, social and political issues” .

“Confirmation of this upcoming battle by the Senate [norte-americano] will act as a reminder of the influence that the court [Supremo Tribunal dos EUA] it remains within the framework of the US governance system and in the impact it has on the daily lives of citizens ”, says the article in ‘The Guardian’.

The same newspaper notes that “Donald Trump has already appointed two Supreme Court justices, but both were conservatives. [republicanos] replacing the conservatives. If President Bor succeeds in replacing [da juíza] Ginsburg, this decision will fundamentally change the composition of the court, as it will replace a [juiz] liberal [democrata] by another conservative. That decision will guarantee an attractive majority in court and is likely to change American life in unprecedented ways. “

“The ability of the Supreme Court [dos EUA] interpreting legislation, from abortion to voting rights to racial segregation and LGBTQ + community issues, means that a successful nomination [por parte do presidente norte-americano] it will probably be Trump’s most enduring legacy. The justice of the Supreme Court has open ends, impacting the country decades after any president leaves the White House, ”warns The Guardian.

Faced with this eventuality, the vast majority of leaders of the Democratic Party want the replacement of Ruth Bader Ginsburg by a new judge of the United States Supreme Court to be assumed only by the US president who is appointed in the elections scheduled for November 3 . .

“In the past century, the court has played a key role in reformatting American society. In 1954 she decreed that school segregation was unconstitutional. In 1973, the Roe v Wade process determined the legalization of abortion. In 2015, same-sex marriage became legal. For some, the decisions have had ill effects. In 2010, the court lifted most restrictions on spending by large companies on political campaigns. In 2013, it removed voting rights protections that have been in place since the civil rights era. [nos Estados Unidos]”Explains ‘The Guardian’.

The article continues: “Such are the ways in which this court has a material impact on the lives of American citizens” and “thus the battle for Ginsburg’s replacement represents a totemic struggle for America’s future.”

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg led the liberal (Democratic) wing of the United States Supreme Court, although, technically, she should position herself apolitical, as, indeed, any judgment of the United States Supreme Court.

“Ginsburg’s death struck a deep, lightning blow in the 2020 presidential election [nos Estados Unidos], which have already been described as the most important of all life. It seems that it is about to put the court at the center of a category 5 hurricane of partisan struggles, political machinations and deep uncertainty, ”concludes the article in ‘The Guardian’.
