Trump may announce the race until 2024 later this year and has already told people close to him: Observer


Donald Trump will be closer to acknowledging defeat in the US presidential elections and, according to The Washington Post, he has already told people close to him that even before the end of the year he will announce a candidacy for the 2024 elections. The American newspaper came out on the same day that a federal judge in Pennsylvania refused to invalidate the vote count that was made in that decisive state, in a further blow to Trump’s aspirations to fight Joe Biden’s victory in court.

The judge refused to invalidate some seven million early votes (sent by mail) because he believed there was no evidence of wrongdoing. Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, has already indicated that he will appeal this decision to a higher court, which is just one notch below the United States Supreme Court, and the goal of Trump’s campaign is to reach the Supreme Court, where the magnate named. three justices in his tenure, including Amy Coney Barrett, who took office just days after Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s election.

At the same time this judge ruled on Pennsylvania’s votes, The Washington Post reported that Trump is already closer to acknowledging that he will leave the White House in January. Before that, however, Trump will be able to move forward (even before the end of 2020) with a presidential bid for 2024 that could be a rematch against Joe Biden if Trump wins the Republican nomination and if Biden runs again in 2024.

However, for the plan to work, Donald Trump is planning with his advisers a strategy to remain “omnipresent” in US politics and in the media during these four years. During this period, Trump should dedicate himself to participating in corporate events (for a fee) and selling tickets to rallies, while trying to be a regular television presence, with or without pay. Writing a book to try to “settle accounts” with the Democratic Party will also be on the table but it does not seem likely, however, that Trump will even try to found a media group, as was admitted in the days before and after the election.

After acknowledging Biden’s victory, Trump takes a step back: the Democrat only won in the eyes of “fake media.”
