Trump insists on rejecting Biden’s victory, reiterates fraud accusations


“A my opinion won’t change for six months, “Trump said in an interview with conservative Fox News, the first television since the elections of 03 November.

“There has been an enormous amount of fraud … massive fraud,” he added.

The renewed criticisms of Trump, today, contrast with the judicial decisions that rejected the accusations of electoral “fraud” made by his team, for lack of evidence.

“To say that an election is unfair does not mean that it is so. The charges require specific charges and then evidence. We have none here,” the judge said Friday. Stephanos Bibas, of the Philadelphia Court of Appeals (Pensilvagirl), who was appointed by President Trump himself to the position.

On Thursday, Trump had signaled that he would resign if the polling station voted for Democrat Joe. Biden.

In the last week, the results became official in Pensilvagirl, Michigan and Georgia, three of the main states that Trump lost in the elections and that support the victory of the Democrat.

Today the count votes in Wisconsin, demanded by the president’s campaign, maintaining the victory of Biden by a margin of 20,000 votes, which must be certified in the coming days.

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