Trump again accuses China of hiding the death toll


A China, which revised the number of deaths on the rise, denied any concealment, at a time when the global balance of pandemic exceeds 153 thousand dead.

“China has announced twice as many fatalities as the invisible enemy. It is much higher than that and much higher than that of the United States!” Wrote Donald Trump on the social network Twitter.

Later in the daily press conference, Trump said that in addition to checking the numbers for the Chinese city of Wuhan, center of the outbreak of the new coronavirus in December In the past, the figures for the whole of China should have been much higher.

The US administration has accused, in recent weeks, the Chinese regime of “hiding” the gravity of the epidemic of greedy-19, disease identified at the end of 2019, in WuhanIn central China.

“There has never been any concealment and we will never authorize any concealment,” said a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

Zhao Lijian recognized “delays and omissions” in the registration of fatal victims of greedy-19, considering that the Chinese authorities had an “irreproachable response” to the health crisis in the country.

On Friday, Chinese authorities announced that another 1,290 people died in Wuhan, which increases the total number of deaths locations for 3,869. With this to update, the number of fatalities in China increased to 4,632.

These cases had not yet been counted in official statistics because, at the height of the epidemic in the city, some patients died at home, without having been treated in hospitals, so overcrowdingthey declared.

Official figures have so far only included deaths in hospitals, they said, in the note released on social media.

In almost all European countries and the United States, the rate of lethality is more than 10%, almost double that of China, even with this to update authorities Wuhan.

Globally, pandemic from greedy-19 has already caused more than 153 thousand deaths and infected More than 2.2 million people in 193 countries and territories. More than 483,000 patients were considered cured.

The United States is the country with more deaths (more than 36 thousand) and more cases of infection confirmed (more than 700 thousand).

They are followed by Italy (more than 22 thousand deaths, in 172 thousand cases), Spain (19 thousand deaths, 188 thousand cases), France (18 thousand deaths, 147 thousand cases), the United Kingdom (14 thousand deaths, 108 thousand cases) and Belgium (5,163 thousand deaths, 36 thousand cases).

To combat pandemic, governments sent four billion people to their homes (more than half of the world’s population), closed non-essential trade and drastically reduced air traffic, paralyzing sectors of the world economy.

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