Truck with 200 thousand masks destined for France assaulted in Spain


A truck carrying 200,000 masks from Portugal to France was stolen last Thursday at a Spanish service station. The transport company guarantees that delivery will be made before May 15.

The cloth masks were to be delivered to various communes in the Ile de France region, according to the French newspaper. Le Figaro.

According to AFP, the robbery occurred at a Spanish service station. “The driver was assaulted in a rest area, it is still not very clear,” reported the company Sissi et Cie, specialized in the import and export of textiles.

The merchandise, coming from Portugal, had a value of 400 thousand euros and was destined for the cities of Bobigny, Bondy, Montreuil (Sena-Saint-Denis), Nozay, Saint-Germain-en-Laye (Yvelines), Chelles (Sena -et-Marne) and Us-en-Vexin (Val-d’Oise).

It’s embarrassing and dramatic“said the transporter, who has already distributed materials to several communes since April 30, under a police escort.

The Mayor of Montreuil, Patrice Bessac, has already reacted, in a statement, stating that it is “a criminal act that endangers the inhabitants.” The mayor intended to distribute the masks worn by citizens’ mailboxes this weekend.

The French publication also notes that Bondy’s President Sylvine Thomassin has already called for an investigation to be opened. “The situation is the simple and sad consequence of the state’s inaction on this issue,” he said, showing dissatisfaction with the way the French government is handling the issue of the distribution of protective masks.

“Take a good look at where we are today, forced to ask for police escorts to guarantee the transport of masks,” he lamented.
