Travelers pay at least 2,000 euros to comply with quarantine in England


Travelers from Portugal and 32 other countries are on the list of countries to be quarantined in England. However, the costs of this isolation will leave, as of next Monday, the pocket of the visitors.

These costs will reach at least 2,000 euros, which includes ten days of quarantine in a hotel and two PCR tests.

The £ 1,750 package includes a single hotel room, direct transport from the airport or seaport and two tests, on the second and eighth days of quarantine, which can be extended if one of the results is positive.

“I do not apologize for the robustness of these measures because we are dealing with one of the greatest threats to public health that we face as a country,” British Health Minister Matt Hancock told Lusa.

Violation of the rules could lead to a fine of between 1,000 and 10,000 pounds (1,140 and 11,400 euros) and people who omit on the passenger forms that they have been in one of the 33 risk countries in the previous 10 days are subject to prison terms of up to 10 years. .
