Travelers on flights to Porto Santo take the test on the fifth day


Paula Abreu

The president of the Regional Government revealed today, apart from the start of the vaccination against covid-19 in Porto Santo that, taking advantage of the fact that this January there are only air connections to the island, the passengers who enter will be examined only on the fifth day. day.

“One of the ways to test the public’s safety in public health was to take advantage of this month in which there is only one connection via plane and to contain the proliferation of the pandemic in Porto Santo is to test anyone who lands in Porto Santo at the end of the fifth day ”, for the incubation period of the virus.

Miguel Albuquerque considered that this is a measure well accepted by the population “and it will be a way of safeguarding the non-dissemination of the pandemic here. It is a very important preventive measure, ”he said, adding that tests on arrival will not be necessary.
