Toys in the court of Braga for the alleged abuser of the daughter being released


About a hundred items, including toys, backpacks, balls, children’s clothing and “strips with strong messages” were placed this Sunday night at the main entrance of the Braga Court in protest at the coercion measures applied to a man 44-year-old who was reportedly caught in the act of raping his 15-year-old daughter during the period of confinement on Sunday, May 3.

This action, carried out by the Associação Mulheres de Braga, aims to sensitize not only the judges but the entire civil society for a “cultural machismo” that will exist in the Minho region, in the words of Emília Santos, president and one of the founders of the women’s collective. .

Photo: Paulo Jorge Magalhães / O MINHO

In statements to O MINHO, the official admits that it is also a way of pressuring and “making noise” so that appeals are left to justice in relation to sexual assaults, deaths and psychological and physical attacks to which many women are subjected, often by those who are close, it is heard.

“It is very strange that the judge released the aggressor with distance measures and the prohibition of contact with his daughter [ficou ainda com pulseira eletrónica], when he was caught on the spot by the victim’s mother during a sexual assault, ”he denounces.

Photo: Paulo Jorge Magalhães / O MINHO

Emília, along with other members of the group, will become an assistant in this process this week to monitor the performance of justice in this particular case and understand the reason for the court’s decision. “We left an appeal through our private group, which has around 8,000 women, and many joined, bringing objects to participate in this action,” he explains.

Valentina remembered

The official also points to a streak in the memory of little Valentina, the 9-year-old girl, whose body was found today in Peniche, allegedly after being murdered by her father in collusion with her stepmother. Both were arrested by the Judicial Police, but only tomorrow will they be brought to court: “I hope that justice will not be lenient again and that others will not be released.”

Photo: Paulo Jorge Magalhães / O MINHO

The women’s collective was founded in 2019 after Gabriela Monteiro, an employee of Theatro Circo, was stabbed to death by her former partner, in front of the same place where the protest is now taking place.

In addition to the group on social networks for direct contact with all women, they also have a Facebook “Also open to men”, to publicize the actions they carry out.

The Mulheres de Braga Association has been supporting victims of domestic violence “24 hours a day”, but “it has not been easy”, especially due to the lack of physical space for the body, something that has been “very difficult” to achieve.

Photo: Paulo Jorge Magalhães / O MINHO

Photo: Paulo Jorge Magalhães / O MINHO

Photo: Paulo Jorge Magalhães / O MINHO

Photo: Paulo Jorge Magalhães / O MINHO

Photo: Paulo Jorge Magalhães / O MINHO

Photo: Paulo Jorge Magalhães / O MINHO

Looking for a space to receive victims who cannot stay at home

“We have already had three meetings with the Chamber of Braga and this week we met with Ricardo Río, who was available to help pay half the rent but cannot give us any space,” he says. Some parish councils have also been contacted, but the solutions offered do not address the needs of the victims.

“The spaces that are available to us close at 17:00 and the violence has no time, many of the requests for help that come to us are on weekends and at night, so there is no point in having a space that closes after normal opening hours. work, “he warns.

Although it is a problem that affects the entire country, Emília has no doubts when she points out that the Minho region is very “problematic” for women, especially “for cultural reasons”.

Photo: Paulo Jorge Magalhães / O MINHO

Photo: Paulo Jorge Magalhães / O MINHO

“Cultural machismo” in Minho

“Alcohol and drugs motivate many aggressions, but I think the biggest problem of all is cultural, cultural machismo, where even women are the first to criticize other women, saying things like you mastered it“Complaint.

Another problem pointed out is police support: “in Braga, there are only two or three PSP agents specialized in these issues, but they all work only until 5:00 p.m. and when we call the police station after that time, we are often ignored. ”

“At night, there is no one to protect us and this has to end, we needed more police on our side,” he stresses.

In total, there are 24 women who actively work in the association. In addition to legal and emotional support, they also provide support through food, especially since the pandemic began.

“Many women had precarious jobs and are now at home, without means, and we have helped with that.” But the lack of physical space mentioned above has limited this help.

Until they reach this purpose, Emília uses her own house as a meeting point to receive and distribute goods, “but this is not how it should work.”
