Today there is a road inspection action and PSP warns where … – Executive Digest


The campaign, which takes place on November 24 and 25, aims to alert drivers and pedestrians of the importance of scrupulously complying with road safety regulations, redoubling road precautions that guarantee safe coexistence between drivers and vulnerable users, avoiding pedestrian accidents.

The campaign will integrate awareness-raising actions by the ANSR and inspection operations by GNR and PSP, with special focus on compliance with the regulations of the highway code and complementary legislation on the correct circulation of vehicles and pedestrians.

The awareness-raising actions will be carried out simultaneously with the inspection operations in the following places:

November 24:

➢ Roundabout of the Industrial Zone, in Seia, Guarda

➢ Av. Dr. Alexandre Alves, in Viseu

➢ Campo Grande, in Lisbon

November 25:

➢ Rua do Brasil, in Coimbra

➢ Roundabout of Ramalhão, in Sintra

➢ IC2, km 144.3, in Pombal

ANSR, GNR and PSP remind us that fighting pedestrian accidents is everyone’s responsibility, drivers and pedestrians, and that between 2010 and 2019 more than 1,500 people died.

The probability of a pedestrian being killed by being hit by a vehicle is 10% if the driver drives at 30 km / h, increasing more than 8 times (80%) if the speed is 50 km / h.

As pedestrians, we must all do our part, namely: cross in the crosswalks, respect the signals, not use distracting devices, such as headphones or mobile phones.

Driving and pedestrians under the influence of alcohol is extremely dangerous. More than a third of the drivers and almost a fifth of the pedestrians who were autopsied by the National Institute of Legal Medicines and Forensic Sciences, had an alcohol level equal to or greater than 0.5 g / l.

The National Inspection Plan, as part of the National Strategic Plan for Road Safety – PENSE 2020, which aims to “Make Road Safety a priority for all Portuguese people”, provides for awareness-raising campaigns simultaneously with inspection operations . in locations where violations regularly occur that pose a higher risk of accidents occurring.

Traffic accidents are not fatalities, authorities recall, and their most serious consequences can be avoided by adopting safe behavior on the road.
