Today there is a curfew at 1 p.m. and these are the measures to take into account – Society


Circulation between municipalities on the continent is prohibited from 00:00 hours on Thursday until 05:00 hours on Monday. Also this weekend, traffic on public roads is prohibited from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. the next day, with the Government diploma adding exceptions to trips to small establishments that sell food and hygiene products authorized to be open.

Regarding the curfew, in which traffic on public roads is prohibited, there are specific exceptions provided by law, such as professional or health reasons, “traveling to assist vulnerable people, people with disabilities, children, parents , elderly or dependents “, or short walks with members of the household and to walk pets.

The restaurant hours were also modified: throughout the continental territory, they will have to close Saturday and Sunday, until 1:00 p.m., “except for home deliveries.”

Regardless of the list of municipalities by level of risk of covid-19 transmission, throughout the peninsula, retail establishments and services, including supermarkets, can only be open between 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. at the end . week.

According to the list of municipalities by risk levels, which came into effect on December 24 and runs until January 7, under the new state of emergency, there are 30 municipalities at extreme risk of contagion, 79 very high risk, 92 at high risk and 77 at moderate risk.
