Today there are new measures. Mandatory curfew in 191 counties


Cstart today new weekend curfew in the country. The measure, which is part of the State of Emergency, declared by the Government, was already implemented last weekend. However, it included 114 municipalities with a high risk of transmission of the new coronavirus and now it reaches 77 more. And if it was thought that 15 days of a state of emergency would be enough to control the pandemic in the country, the figures have not been supporting this thesis and, this Friday, what was already being considered during the last week became official: the The state of emergency will be renewed and between 24 November and 8 of December.

A measure was announced by Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa who on Friday night justified the decision stating that “it is probable that [ocorra] a further increase in cases, that a third wave may occur between janeiro me February, which will be higher the higher the number of cases a month before. It is important to try to contain strongly in December the process pandemic, even though the peak of the so-called second wave seemed to have passed a few days earlier. “

The concrete measures will be announced today by Prime Minister António Costa, knowing only, so far, that they should include more municipalities in the highest risk group and that the measures will be taken in level local.

See the evolution maps pandemic of the new coronavirus in Portugal and in the World.

Follow HERE THE MINUTE the latest news about the COVID-19-19 in Portugal and the rest of the world:

8h47 – OR deconfiguration in France will be progressive from 01 December, with “new measures” and a Christmas that “will not be normal,” says a doctor who is part of the independent mission to evaluate the government’s restrictive measures. Ana Maria Moulin, a doctor specializing in tropical diseases and director Emerita of the National Center for Scientific Research considers that Gala Christmas will be accompanied by “new health measures”, with few people in family gatherings and “no trips” transnational“.

08h16 – OR Governor of New York State, Democrat Andrew Cuomo, will be distinguished with a Emmy by the International Academy of Arts and Sciences Television for your daily press conferences on the pandemic of the new coronavirus.

7:50 am – A Germany registered, this Saturday, another 22,964 cases of infection by COVID-19-19 and 254 dead. From the beginning of pandemic, the German country has 902,528 cases and 13,884 deaths, according to the Robert Koch Institute.

07h31 – A India recorded 564 deaths and 46,232 infected like new coronavirus in the last 24 hours, with the particularly alarming situation in the capital, New Delhi.

07h30 – A Cardiologist Fátima Pinto lamented today that “every day” hours and a lot of ink are wasted to write about it. COVID-19-19 and forget about the thousands of people who have died this year from diseases cardiovascular and cancer. “Of course we are in an emergency situation and we have to talk about it, but I feel that people sometimes put their heads under the rug, under the sand, but they forget that in health we have priority niches.” that we cannot stop contemplating, “he told the Lusa agency.

07h29 – A China registered in the last 24 hours infected like new coronavirus, seven of which are local infections, the National Health Commission reported today. The seven local cases were reported in the cities of Tianjin (north, 5) and Shanghai (east, 2). All imported cases were detected In shanghai.

07h27 – A Colombia today reached 1,233,444 cases of COVID-19-19 and 7954 new infections, according to the daily statement of the Ministry of Health, in which 168 deaths were reported, increasing the number of Deceased for 34,929.

07h25 – OR Campo Pequeno, in Lisbon, is today the scene of the ‘Manifestation for Culture’, promoted by the Association of Promoters of Shows, Festivals and Events (APEFE), in defense of a sector In crisis. The demonstration will take place, at 10:30 am, “inside Campo Pequeno, as from a to show was “. That is,” complying with the rules imposed by the Address-Geral da Saúde “, and with the capacity of the venue limited to two thousand people.

07h20 – OR The Prime Minister today announces measures to combat COVID-19-19 noscope of the presidential decree that extends the state of emergency in Portugal for another 15 days. For now, it is only known that the number of municipalities with high levels of contagion will increase, already exceeding two hundred, and although the Government “will continue” Act in terms of restrictive measures based on a logic of differentiation at the local level.

07h15 – The new coronavirus is causing a growing number of deaths in the United States, with the country recording a daily average of more than 1,300 deaths, the highest number since the spring. Therefore, the total number of deaths in United States reached around 254,000, making it the country with the most Deceased associate with pandemic. Regarding the new sinfections, were, in the last 24 hours. 188 thousand.

07h12 – In the city raiana from Elvas, the usual Spanish customers “evaporated” due to the pandemic gives COVID-19-19. Trade is experiencing difficulties and some establishments are even in danger of closing.

07h10 –After mushrooms months closed due to pandemic, gyms reopen in Praia, Cape Verde. OR objective is to make up for lost time and reactivate the business, which is one of the most affected through COVID-19-19 worldwide.

07h04 – OR Mexico recorded 719 deaths and 6,426 infected like new coronavirus in 24 hours, increasing the total Deceased to 100,823 and cases to 1,025,969, reported the Ministry of Health.

07h00 – Is On weekends, it is a curfew from 1pm. More than eight million Portuguese, residing in 191 counties, are subject to a curfew this weekend. Reassessed every 15 days by the Government, the list is defined according to the general criteria of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) of “more than 240 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants in the last 14 days”, and considering the proximity to another municipality in this situation and the exception for outbreaks located in low-density municipalities. You can check out the full list of tips addressed here.

06h55 – Good day! Here we begin our careful monitoring of the situation of the pandemic in Portugal and in the world. But you can remember what happened yesterday with this album.

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