“To revive the economy without leaving the pandemic out of control.” Costa explains the next steps


“What we would like was, in the Council of Ministers of April 30, to be able to announce the calendar and the program of progressive deconfiguration of a set of activities that have to do with the educational system, with commercial and restoration activities and with cultural activities, “António Costa told the weekly Express.

Prime Minister Some workers are expected to return to their jobs in May, but those with this possibility should remain in telecommuting. “We also wish that we could have as many people as possible still teleworking during the month of May,” to avoid concentrations in public spaces and in the companies themselves, he admitted.

As for the students, Costa said he was “working to make it possible to reorganize the schedules so that School may start later than normal business hours, so that students and teachers traveling to school and workers traveling to their workplace do not simultaneously cross public transportation

In these public transports, the use of a community mask will be mandatory in the first stage. In commerce, everyone who attends must also be protected. “One of the two: we will have, as we already have in many supermarket boxes and in many pharmacies, acrylics, or we will have to have masks.”

“The first priority was to contain the pandemic without killing the economy. The new priority we have now is to revive the economy without leaving the pandemic out of control.“He declared to the Express. “As soon as possible, we will take the first steps. We will not delay action.”

When asked if the North region, where there are more Covid-19 cases, could lead to subsequent deflation, Costa replied that the Government would not like to make “regional differentiations.”
Frequency of beaches, festivals and soccer championships.

As for the frequency of the beaches this summer, the Prime Minister admits that there may be restrictions, at least in those where there are already a large number of people. “The agglomeration cannot exist. The municipalities and the captaincies must take the necessary measures so that we can go to the beach without the agglomeration.”he declared.

In culture, he did not commit to a date to celebrate major festivals, reiterating that it will be easier to reopen the team with a scheduled place. “In a cinema, seats are restricted, all seats are reserved, they can only sell tickets in two rows, three in three seats,” he said.

Upon returning from the soccer championships, Costa admits that it is possible to conclude them “behind closed doors or only with the captive seats distributed throughout the stadium.”

The Prime Minister warns that the government has to be “prudent” in
necessary measures so that there are no setbacks that lead to “crisis in
trust “and so that the Portuguese can” normalize “their
, considering that they will have to “live with the virus for a year,
year and a half “.

“Today’s expenses are tomorrow’s taxes”

For António Costa, the recovery plan for the economy after the Covid-19 pandemic “must be based on a very strong investment plan”, pointing out areas such as railways and hospitals, and “an employment program that allows the absorption of large part of the available workforce “, both in the field of public and social employment.

However, the Prime Minister has issued an alert. “It is necessary to support families, businesses, the economy, but we cannot support it unlimitedly, because we must always be aware that today’s spending is tomorrow’s tax.”

“Therefore, it is obviously necessary to realize that this is not the time to count pennies to respond to what is a public health priority, but obviously we have to take into account that there is a tomorrow,” he argued.

Ideally, the supplementary budget could be submitted even before parliamentary work was interrupted.But I think we can also present it alone and it makes sense to present it when we have sufficiently solid data on the situation and the economic and financial needs of the country, “he explained.

The state of emergency was renewed again and will remain in force until May 2. On April 28 there will be a new meeting between political representatives and the team of scientists working for the Directorate General of Health (DGS).

with lusa
