Time bomb. World cities at risk of generating new pandemics


A research carried out by researchers at the University of Sydney, Australia, in collaboration with scientists from the United Kingdom, India and Ethiopia, determined which cities on the planet have potential for the future pandemics -, most of which are in the south and southeast of Asia and in Africa Sub-Saharan, according to an article published in the Galileo magazine.

Scientific work published in One Health categorizes cities into yellow, orange and red alert zones, taking into account the possibility of the appearance of diseases in these areas. areas.

In the study, the researchers detetaram that more than 40% of the world’s major metropolises are at risk of becoming the epicenter of a new deadly disease due to pressures from exercise me action about nature and wildlife.

Furthermore, between 14% and 20% of these urban centers infrastructure Precarious health conditions, which prevents them from effectively dealing with possible viral pathologies. pandemic.

To identify the areas of greatest risk, as Galileo explained, the scientists took into account several factors, in other words, spaces where human coexistence with wildlife is more significant. In this case, these would be areas “yellow” and “orange” warning signs interactions bidirectional between humans, pets and wildlife.

Then, they identified areas with precarious health systems and located adjacent cities that are highly connected to the risk zone, thus being able to serve as channels for potential pandemics unknown.

“This is the first time that this three-stage geography has been identified and mapped, and we want this to inform the development of surveillancencia at various levels of human and animal infections to help prevent the next pandemic“, you can read in the article.

Michael Walsh, leader of the study, points out that, although the poorest countries have the majority of cities in areas classified as having a higher risk of spread, in contrast, the most developed countries have many cities in layers of risk due to the impact they have in the life. through pollution and massive industrialization.

“With this new information, people can develop systems that incorporate infrastructure human health, animal husbandry, wildlife habitat conservation, and movement from transportation hubs to prevent the next pandemic“says Walsh.

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