TikTok records a billion downloads on the Play Store


TikTok is a social network that, little by little, has been conquering users in different parts of the world. Now the platform celebrates the fact that it has broken another record by making a billion downloads on the Play Store.

The fact that people are more at home also stimulates and improves the use of social networks so that they can interact, even if virtually, with family and friends.

As people are more at home, they also use more digital platforms to keep in touch with family and friends.

But also other tools, used mainly for professional purposes, have seen their use increased significantly. An example is Microsoft Teams, which recorded a 1,000% increase in video calls.

TikTok breaks record one billion downloads on Play Store

Days are counted and people look for ways and strategies to pass the time. One of the most successful activities is contact with those most in need. For that, most people turn to social media.

In addition to contact, the platforms also allow you to share videos in which users practice something fun, try to overcome challenges, show recipes, etc.

To that end, TikTok has been one of the most used social networks, being the free application that had the most downloads on the Play Store at the end of March 2020.

But there is more to celebrate as the platform has reached the surprising milestone of more than a billion downloads on the Google app store.

TikTok Downloads from Play Store

TikTok Downloads from Play Store

In summary, and if you do not know the application yet, this is a network where you can share short videos, up to 15 seconds long.

It is popular with various age groups, especially the younger ones, and has also won over many famous users who, in turn, influence others to follow the same steps.

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