Three on top of a bicycle on the A28 bridge in Viana


The Permanent Commission and the Urban Planning Commission of the Municipal Assembly, accompanied by the executive of the city council, made a visit on Saturday for the construction of the new accesses to the Viana do Castelo Maritime Port and the new facilities and auction of Castelo do Neiva, investments budgeted at more than ten million euros.

The working session began with a presentation of the project at the Municipal Library, where Mayor José Maria Costa explained the investments planned for the region and Viana do Castelo within the framework of the National Investment Plan and the Recovery and Resilience Plan.

Regarding access to the seaport, the edi recalled that this contract “will oxygenate and improve mobility on the left bank of Lima”, specifically in Darque by removing heavy traffic to the seaport and light vehicles in the center of town. but also in Chafé, where about 9,000 people live in Amorosa who “now will have free access to the city and the A28.”

Photo: Disclosure / CM Viana

Photo: Disclosure / CM Viana

“This is an essential route for the seaport but also for Viana do Castelo”, emphasized José Maria Costa. It is recalled that the contract for the construction of the new road accesses to Porto de Mar is in the last phase. The new road, with an award value of 7.3 million euros, aims to decongest urban roads from heavy vehicle traffic, eliminating heavy traffic from and from the old National Highway (EN) 13 and the interior of the Darque parish. to the Sea Port.

The new access to Porto de Mar includes the creation of an 8.8 km long highway that connects the A28 motorway with the port of Viana do Castelo in São Romão de Neiva, with two 3.5 meter wide lanes. The work also foresees the requalification of a section and shoulders of National Route 13 and the construction of two new sections that link this national route with the A28, with direct access to the commercial port.

The objective of this investment in the construction of new accesses is to attract new economic activities to the area of ​​influence of Porto; reduce operating costs inherent in the connection times by road in Porto to the main centers of activity; reduce noise and polluting emissions; increase traffic safety; and contribute to decongest road traffic, eliminating heavy traffic from urban roads.

The road accesses to Porto de Mar are considered essential for the reinforcement of the operational capacity and to guarantee the growing increase in the movement of the commercial port of Viana do Castelo, especially in exports, derived from the commercial dynamics of the companies installed in the region .

The Permanent Commission of the Municipal Assembly also visited the new auction and the 40 warehouses of preparations in the parish of Castelo do Neiva that will soon be delivered to 40 fishermen, an undertaking of Polis Litoral Norte. The Modernization of the Castelo do Neiva fishing port involved a global investment of 2.15 million euros, with a community co-financing rate of 75% until MAR 2020.

The contract involved the improvement of the infrastructure networks, the requalification of the sidewalks, the reorganization of the areas of external circulation and parking of boats, and the management of the fishing nets and equipment, installation of a new winch in the sweep of ramp, requalification and expansion of warehouses, fishing readjustments, reorganization and improvement of the deposit system and differentiated waste collection, requalification / improvement of the boat repair shop, improvement of the fuel supply station for boats and requalification / improvement / expansion of the auction building.
