Thousands of people take to the streets in Germany to protest against the restrictions – Observer


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Thousands of people took to the streets in German cities this Saturday to protest the restrictions caused by the Covid-19 outbreak. According to the Spanish newspaper El País, in cities like Munich, Stuttgart, Berlin and Frankfurt, there is a concentration of people demonstrating, although the police are systematically on loudspeakers asking for a safe distance.

In Berlin, according to that newspaper, through correspondents, the protesters began to meet in front of the Volkbuhne theater at 3 in the afternoon, and there were also protests elsewhere in the German capital. The protests have to do with the restrictive measures that the Government is imposing and that, in the opinion of the protesters, limit the rights enshrined in the Constitution.

That newspaper also claims that the protests are marginal, and the majority of the population agrees and supports the sanitary restriction measures imposed. Most of the protesters, according to reports in the press, are militants of the extreme right and the extreme left.

It turns out that in Germany, unlike what happened in Portugal and other European countries, neither the state of emergency nor the mandatory confinement was decreed, and the number of people who can be together on the street is restricted to 2 people (except families) larger).

In Stuttgart, hundreds of people also gathered under the slogan “Lateral thinking” to protest against the restriction measures imposed by the government of Angela Merkel due to the pandemic, as they claim that any restriction is an attack on fundamental rights protected by the fundamental law. State In Munich and Frankfurt there were also concentrations. See the images in the photo gallery above.

Germany currently has a total of 168,551 infected people, having registered 1,251 new cases in the last 24 hours. In relation to the deaths, 7,369 people died in that country due to Covid-19, 103 more than yesterday.
