This value is bribery so that we do not use masks for public transport


You are two public transports that disrespect or compulsory use of masks or viseiras, due to the pandemic of covid-19, incorrectly, with a bribe of between 120 and 350 euros, the second diploma published this Saturday in Diário da República.

O Decree-Law (DL) 20/2020 says that “it is compulsory or the use of masks or viseiras in the use of collective transport of passages”, underlining that or non-compliance “constituted counter-ordination, punished as a minimum value bribe” of 120 euros and maximum 350 euros.

Or diploma, which comes into force on Sunday, May 3, refers to “that the compulsory or use of masks or visors for access or permanence spaces us and establishments you trade and provide services to us, we serve you and buildings of public service and we teach establishments and creeds hair teachers and non-teachers hairs some older than six years. “

This obligation “is dispensed when, in function of the nature of the activities, or its use is impraticável”, lê-se no diploma.

Or document warns that it is up to people or entities, public or private, to be responsible for the respective Spanish spaces or establishments, services and public buildings or means of transportation, to promote the fulfillment of these regulations.

In case of non-compliance, the people or entities “must inform the users who are not wearing masks that they cannot agree to, stay or use the spaces, establishments or collective transport of passengers and inform the authorities and security forces of the de facto case of the users insistam em not fulfill that obligation, “indicates or DL.
