This is the (new) ‘package’ of government measures for companies


OR The Government approved, this Thursday, in the Council of Ministers, a new ‘package’ of support to companies, “due to the situation pandemic and the necessary measures for its containment ”, according to the Executive. Later, the details of the measures were presented by the Minister of State and Economy, Pedro Siza Scallop Get to know them here.

The Government has decided to expand the universe of companies that can be covered by the Apoiar program, reduced, with conditions, some of the restrictions Current, such as the requirement of positive social capital or the absence of debts with the State.

With the new suit approved by the Government, the measure is enlarged medium-sized companies and companies with more than 250 employees, but less than 50 million euros billing up to a maximum value of 100,000 euros of support per company. In the case of sole proprietors (ENI) Without organized accounting with dependent workers, the aid can reach up to three thousand euros per company.

The Government will create simplified support for micro-businesses who can choose to keep the support for progressive resumption or receive support equivalent to two minimum wages per job.

The measure, which will come into force during the first half of 2021, go to micro-businesses that in 2020 there will be decreases in billing higher than 25% and aims to address the suggestions of the confederations of employers who warned of the difficulties that companies of this size have to manage working time in thescope Support measure for progressive recovery.

The part dedicated to financing, in addition to the aforementioned treasury fund, includes the 300 million euro expansion of the credit line for exporting companies, with an endowment of 1,050 million euros.

This line of credit, which will be extended to companies in the sector of tourism with weight in exports, provides financing for companies according to jobs, including access to a credit of 4,000 euros per position, of which 20% (800 euros) may be converted into non-reimbursable support if the job remains at the end of 2021.

This measure of access to a credit of 4,000 euros per job with the possibility of converting 20% ​​of the non-refundable amount will also cover companies that are dedicated to providing event services, said the Minister of Economy.

Companies with break billing greater than 25% will have a non-refundable support of 30% and 50% of the monthly income, this is paid in two sections during the first half of 2021.

Support for the payment of rent is part of the package of measures approved by the Government to be applied during the first half of next year with the objective of mitigate the impact of pandemic in the treasury of companies, for a total of 7,200 million euros, of which 1,400 million euros are non-refundable.

Companies with break billing between 25% and 40% will receive a support equivalent to 30% of the rent, up to a maximum of 1,200 euros per month. For companies with billing above 40%, the rental support will be equivalent to 50% of these expenses, up to a maximum of 2,000 euros per month.

Another measure in zone the financing provides for a Line of credit of 750 million euros for large companies in the sectors plus affected through pandemic, with a limit of 10 million euros per company.

The Government approved this Thursday, in the Council of Ministers, a diploma that allows companies with break billing at least 25% can pay the VAT in installments in the first half of 2021.

“For this purpose, it is expected that the taxpayers covered, in case of non-compliance with billing of at least 25% compared to the same period last year, effect payments in three or six monthly installments, without interest“of this tax, according to the statement of the Council of Ministers.

Balance support

Peter Siza Vieira also mentioned that the accumulated response since 4 March, so far, has already attributed more than 22 billion euros in support, of which 2,790 million euros were lost. Now they amount to 7.2 billion euros, of which 1.4 billion are non-refundable, in support of the first half of next year.

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