They resort to ″ blackface ″ in virtual practice in Minho and generate riots


Several first-year students of the Biology and Geology course at the University of Minho (UM) are being accused of racism for having painted black (the so-called “blackface”) during a video of a habitual action. To JN, the rector Rui Vieira de Castro regretted the episode and assured that he will activate the internal mechanisms, “with the aim of knowing the contours of the initiative and those responsible”, proceeding “in accordance with the provisions of its disciplinary regulations.”

The images were shown this Tuesday during the trellis, which this year due to the covid-19 pandemic took place virtually on YouTube, and which outraged the academic community of Braga.

Some users on social networks have called the joke “bad taste”, for not knowing what this type of representation means in the history of the black community. That is why they censor the fun of higher education students.

The video that had been published by the Praxe Committee of the aforementioned course, accompanied by the hashtag # latadaum2021, ended up being withdrawn from the platform due to the controversy.

In statements to JN, the rector Rui Vieira de Castro assured that the University of Miño was “surprised” by the information transmitted on social networks, for what he sees “with deep displeasure and vehemently condemns” this “type of initiative, offensive to human dignity. “It also guarantees that” it will immediately activate its internal mechanisms, with the aim of knowing the contours of the initiative and those responsible, and will proceed in accordance with the provisions of its disciplinary regulations, “he said.

“The times of physical distance cannot, in any case, mean that students distance themselves from the values, principles and mission of the University of Minho”, concluded the rector.

JN also asked Cabido de Cardeais, the body responsible for the practice at the University of Minho, as well as the president of the UM Academic Association, Rui Oliveira, for a comment on what happened this morning, but received no response.
