“They are turning against each other.” Health Professionals Report “Rivalry” in Access to Vaccines in the US – Obse …


The arrival of the Covid-19 vaccine has brought hope to many healthcare professionals working on the front lines of the pandemic. But the offer will not reach everyone in the first phase of vaccination. The New York Times reports on reports in the US. colleagues who “are turning against each other”, supposedly because there are those who go ahead without belonging to a priority group, stealing space from the most exposed professionals.

The newspaper interviewed several doctors and nurses from New York hospitals, who, on condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation, were unhappy with the way the vaccine is distributed in their institutions. “We feel disrespected and undervalued due to our second-level priority for vaccination, ”a group of Mount Sinai Hospital anesthetists wrote to facility administrators over the weekend. The workers claim that any professional could go to the vaccination line and receive the injection after claiming that they are in charge of “Covid-related procedures” (although that is not true).

Joe Biden has already been vaccinated to set an example and even praised Trump

These professionals, who cared for the most serious patients, complain that there is someone who is going through them, without justification. “We reached a boiling point when we witnessed vaccines to be administered, apparently at random, to employees who were not part of the originally defined group, ”says the letter, which was sent anonymously.

Health professionals also report the existence of “rumors” that circulate on social networks and in messaging applications, such as WhatsApp. In one such case, a plastic surgeon may have been one of the first to receive the vaccine, leaving Manhattan Hospital due to poor planning. In other groups, doctors try to find ways to be the first to get vaccinated.

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Although many of these rumors are not true, writes The New York Times, they illustrate the mistrust that professionals feel. “Each one for themselves”Says a doctor.

Phase 1 of the New York State vaccination plan calls for two million people to be vaccinated, including healthcare workers and homeworkers. The second phase will encompass other essential services workers, but is not expected to start until January. Except that the plan gives hospitals autonomy to distribute vaccines. If many have already reached the professionals for whom they were intended, others are still waiting.

Four health professionals from Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital expressed resentment to their colleagues at The New York Times that the hospital administration would have allowed them to move on, although they were not in the priority group, without control. In some places, doctors and nurses working in Covid units were not included in these vaccination groups. “What I find sad is that people start to turn against each other“Said a doctor from the hospital.

Ivy Vega, an occupational therapist who has treated Covid-19 patients at Columbia University Irving Medical Center, also reports on the “competitiveness,” “rivalry,” the “skepticism and mistrust” that marks vaccination. A big difference compared to “camaraderie that helped us continue through the pandemic“.
