“They are going to have a big surprise in Lisbon next week” – Cidade Hoje


The president of the National Federation of Fairkeepers Associations today accused the Government of “taking the bread from the fairgrounders” for banning, as of Wednesday, fairs in 121 municipalities as part of measures to curb the pandemic.

Speaking to the Lusa agency, the president of the National Federation of Fairkeepers Associations, Joaquim Santos, accused the Government of “leaving thousands of fairkeepers behind” and promised “a great surprise in Lisbon next week”, specifying that “ they will ask to work. “

“We will only leave Lisbon when we are sure we can go to the fair,” he said.

With this ban, “the fairs are closed and the Portuguese are sent to closed rooms until 10 at night,” said Joaquim Santos, considering that “this decision is a shame in a democratic country.”

Recalling that the shopkeepers were among the first to close when the closure was decreed, on March 12 Joaquim Santos stated that he does not understand this measure because “stagnation” is an activity that takes place outdoors and because the shopkeepers “always followed the recommendations General Directorate of Health (DGS) ”.

Joaquim Santos affirmed that the Government’s decision is “regrettable and discriminatory”, it will represent “an annihilation of the activity” and will have “very serious consequences, a true social pandemic”, among marketers.

According to the president of the National Federation of Fair Trade Associations, the activity involves a number much higher than 200 thousand people.

The Council of Ministers agreed on Saturday that 121 municipalities will be covered, as of Wednesday, by the civic duty of home collection, new hours in establishments and mandatory telework, except for “motivated opposition” by the worker, due to covid-19.

Restaurants in these 121 counties must close by 10:30 p.m. and all commercial establishments will generally have to close by 10 p.m.

Also in these territories – which represent 70% of the resident population – fairs and lifting markets are prohibited, and events and celebrations are limited to five people, except in cases where the participants belong to the same household.

The municipalities covered have more than 240 cases of contagion by the covid-19 virus per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days and this will be the criterion that will serve to update the list of municipalities subject to restrictive measures every 15 days, following a principle . defined by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control. There is an exception for outbreaks located in low-density counties.

Two other measures approved on Saturday cover the entire continental territory and not just these 121 counties: limiting groups of six people in restaurants and prolonging the calamity situation for another two weeks.
