There will be no vaccine or treatment for or coronaviruses in the coming months – World


O Center Europeu de Prevenção e Controlo das Doenças (ECDC) warns that there will be no vaccine or treatment for Covid-19 in the next few months, being “muito provável” that it was only in 2021, advising “caution” not lifting measures.

“Muitos specialists [estão empenhados] e muito dinheiro is to be applied to the decoupling of vaccines and treatments and, in spite of having some opinions more optimistic, that is not going to happen depressa “, said in an interview with Agência Lusa, or principal specialist of the ECDC for emergency response and operations, Sergio Brusin.

“It is not something that will happen in the coming months,” he said.

Alluding to various researches in progress, within Europe, Sergio Brusin notes that, despite some human tests for potential vaccines, we will be moving forward, “in order to have enough production to distribute to all people in Europe, it will take several months, It is not something that can be ugly quickly. ”

“It is necessary to have a safe production, to distribute, to prioritize what to give first,” list, highlighting being “very little more than what happened in 2021”.

Here, it is also unknown that this new coronavirus is still for specialists, given that, as it is a very new thing, it is not known “you vaccinate or treat serem servants will hardly protect you for one season, as the flu vaccines, or it will be something that will be protected for more time “, explains Sergio Brusin à Lusa.

For isso, “at the moment, it is necessary to continue to fazer” or that is to be feito, “nomeada [manter] or physical and social distance, or tracking of contacts “, between other measures, he defends.

“And it is a way to discover the end of this year, the beginning of the next year, and the logo has started, in the next year perhaps we can be more optimistic”, an adianta or a specialist.

According to Sergio Brusin, “slightly more otimistic” and now or a portrait of the pandemic in Europe, less than a few weeks ago, he reasoned out that some specialist recommends to countries to be “cautious” and “vigilant” or to lift restrictive measures.

In about 20 European countries, among the four of Portugal, “it is possible to stabilize or increase in numbers”, as “a pandemic in Europe is slowly opening up,” he explains or said.

“Isto shows that the measures adopted by various authorities, including the member-states, are now going to result and now we are very weighted and begin to raise some restrictions to see or what is happening,” he warns.

He recommends: “You need to be cautious not to take measures and if only you can be a fugitive, [os países] We will really monitor the situation in a very close way so that, in advance, possam will reimpose some of the measures that are necessary. ”

Ainda assim, this does not mean that covid-19 is controlled in Europe.

“Definitively, we are still not going to be able to control, more or the number of cases is also not going to increase as it was going to happen,” Sergio Brusin said.

There are, moreover, countries “where this twelfth year is not yet to come and it is not known to be due to the late implementation of measures or other reasons exist”, among those from Sweden, the United Kingdom or Bulgária, adianta or specialist to Lusa.

Europe is the most shaved region in the world and it is pandemic, I have been ultrapassed as the barreiras of 150 thousand deaths in thousands of cases.

Sediado na Suécia, or ECDC is a body of the Uniao Europeia that helps countries prepare to respond to surts of doenças.
