“There is no record of a similar circumstance.” Eduardo Cabrita guarantees that Ihor’s death was an isolated case – O Jornal Económico


In a hearing on the death of the Ukrainian citizen Ihor Homenyuk in the facilities of the SEF, the Minister of the Interior, Eduardo Cabrita, admitted that the country, “which has a reception policy that is a world reference”, feels “ashamed of such a circumstance is. “

Eduardo Cabrita, who stressed that it was necessary to “thoroughly investigate the truth” and “investigate the circumstances of the cover-up and gross negligence and omission of assistance,” then reported on the chronology from the death of Ihor Homenyuk, on March 12, until today. , December 15.

The first report that reached the Department of Criminal Investigation and Action (DIAP) on March 12, the day of the death of the Ukrainian Ihor Homeniuk, stated that the authorities were facing “a death from natural causes”, which was read on the death certificate the victim suffered from a “cardiac arrest” inside the facilities of the Immigration and Border Service (SEF), at Lisbon airport. Only on March 17, in the framework of the general investigation carried out by the Public Ministry and the Judicial Police, it happened “tragically that these circumstances were not real”.

“We were facing a violent death due to barbaric causes,” Eduardo Cabrita, Minister of Internal Administration, revealed this Tuesday at a hearing in the parliamentary committee on Constitutional Affairs, Rights, Freedoms and Guarantees at the request of the PSD and the unregistered deputy Joacine. Katar Moreira (ex-Livre).

Although the real reasons that led to Homenyuk’s death on March 17 were known, the three agents, now accused of qualified murder, were not arrested until March 30 due to the final result of the autopsy that was not communicated. guardianship until the 29th. the same month.

Since then, Cabrita recalls, five disciplinary proceedings have already been opened, and on October 8, eight more were formalized, also mentioning that he dismissed the same border directorate of SEF Lisboa (António Sérgio Henriques was director of Fronteiras and Amílcar Vicente, deputy director ) and who requested the General Inspectorate of Internal Administration (IGAI) to open an investigation into the management and operation of the airport center, in addition to opening a sanctioning file against all those involved in the events.

The minister added in his speech that the case in question was an “isolated” situation and that there is no record of a similar situation occurring. “In this context, there is no record of a similar circumstance.” There have been two deaths in the past 10 years, one in 2014 and one in 2019, both of which were investigated and concluded that the death was due to natural causes and had to do with people who were drug users, he says.

As for “abuses of another nature”, Cabrita says that they are investigated by the IGAI in the framework of the complaints transmitted. In 2020, 51 complaints were filed with the SEF, 510 about the PSP and 318 about the GNR. In other words, it is a “normal activity”.

Joacine Katar Moreira calls for the termination of SEF

Joacine Katar Moreira, the unregistered deputy who made the request that determined the hearing to Minister Eduardo Cabrita, wants the extinction of the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF).

In her opening speech, this Tuesday in the parliamentary committee on Constitutional Affairs, Rights, Freedoms and Guarantees, the former deputy of Livre considered that “the SEF has been for many years the entity that has best represented the existing structural racism in Portugal as well as the criminalization of foreigners and immigrants ”.

“It is time for the extinction of the SEF,” he said, adding that this “cannot be [feita] quickly ”, but“ in a very well organized manner so as not to run the risk of interfering and continuing to endanger the safeguarding of human rights by other entities ”.

The deputy also stressed the need to explain the time and moment when Eduardo Cabrita “learned of the murder” of Ihor Homenyuk, what steps were taken immediately, as well as what has happened from that March 12 to today.
