There is a covid-19 outbreak at the White House. But Trump ignores it and Pence refuses to isolate himself.


“It’s scary to go to work,” Kevin Hassett, one of President Donald Trump’s top economic advisers, told CBS on Sunday. The outbreak comes after three health officials, all of whom are members of the task force who is working with the United States Administration to respond to the new coronavirus that tested positive. But they were not the only ones: in the last week also one of the soldiers who works in the White House to park the cars, and who had been in contact with the president, saw the infection with covid-19 confirmed, as happened with the vice spokesman. President Mike Pence.

But even this outbreak of the disease in the middle of the White House doesn’t seem enough to divert Trump from his goal: to reopen the country as soon as possible, save the economy.. Or to convince Vice President Pence to remain in preventive custody after spokeswoman Katie Miller tested positive.

On Sunday night, the first news reports said the vice president would extend the quarantine by two weeks. But his office quickly came to deny the information. Pence “tested negative every day and plans to be in the White House [esta segunda-feira]CNN Devin O’Malley, another of the vice president’s spokespersons, said.


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Who is really in quarantine is Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who has been the face and voice of science at President Donald Trump’s press conferences.. In addition to the epidemiologist, two other doctors from the task force from the White House to fight covid-19: the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Prevention (CDC), Robert Redfield, and the head of the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Stephen Hahn

All three were due to testify in a Senate committee on Tuesday, and were allowed to do so by video conference.

With the number of deaths from covid-19 that has already exceeded 80,000 in the US. USA, by far the country with the most fatal victims of the disease, The New York Times denounces this approach to the new coronavirus within the four walls of 1600 Pennsylvannia Avenue.
