There are ten municipalities in the Aveiro district subject to new restrictions


There are ten municipalities in the Aveiro district subject to new restrictions

The municipalities of Aveiro, Arouca, Castelo de Paiva, Espinho, Oliveira de Azeméis, Ovar, Santa Maria da Feira, São João da Madeira, Sever do Vouga and Vale de Cambra are among the 121 municipalities of Portugal where, on Wednesday, it enters in force the civic duty of home collection, new hours in commercial establishments and mandatory telework.

What does this duty to stay at home represent? That you should avoid walking in public spaces and roads, as well as in private spaces and roads comparable to public roads. Some exceptions are foreseen, namely, for medical reasons, work, teaching, visits to homes or residential structures for the elderly and people with disabilities, services (such as post offices or banks), caring for someone or leaving the continent.

Visits to restaurants are allowed, although with a limit of six people at the same table (unless they all belong to the same household) and subject to a tighter schedule (restaurants close at 10:30 p.m.). You can also continue enjoying shows: they are allowed according to the regulations of the General Directorate of Health. As for fairs and markets, temporary markets are prohibited; the permanent ones can remain open.

One of the criteria to determine which municipalities are most at risk is that of 240 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 15 days (which has already served the three municipalities that are in confinement). Every 14 days the Council of Ministers will review the list, hoping to eliminate some and fearing to add others, as Prime Minister António Costa announced this Saturday.

Photo: Afonso Ré Lau
