There are more municipalities in the Algarve that can enter the list of counties at risk


There are another five or six municipalities in the Algarve that are expected to join the list of high-risk municipalities today, according to official data from the Regional Health Administration (ARS).

According to the graph that the Department of Public Health and Planning of the ARS Algarve has been preparing every day, to send to the Town Halls and other official entities, and to which South Information They had access (see graph), to the municipality of São Brás de Alportel (which remains on the list), those of Albufeira, Faro, Portimão, Vila do Bispo, Vila Real de Santo António and, eventually, also Lagos.

The Council of Ministers meets this Thursday precisely to review the list of counties at risk and strengthen measures to combat the pandemic. This list may include municipalities that, in the last 14 days, exceeded the average of 240 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

At the moment, there are 121 municipalities where the risk of transmission of the new coronavirus is higher, but this number is expected to increase, especially in the Algarve, taking into account the increase in cases in recent days.

There may also be counties that are off the list if, in the meantime, the number of new infections in these two weeks has stabilized or significantly decreased. But this will not be the case in the Algarve region, where the only municipality included in the list in its first version is expected to remain, that of São Brás de Alportel.

Considering that the most recent ARS Algarve chart, published yesterday, still refers to 10, it is not known if yesterday’s numbers, 11, will still be able to push another Algarve municipality to the list or, conversely, save that.

On the other hand, given that the figures do not always coincide between the Directorate General of Health and the Regional Health Authority of the Algarve, there may also be some surprises on that side. Is that, in municipalities with little population, two or three new cases in one day may be enough to throw the balance out of balance.

Vila do Bispo, despite being a low-density territory, is on the list of municipalities at risk because the cases that have been registered in the last 14 days did not occur in nursing homes, which, if they happened, would be a kind from extenuating for accounting, according to criteria defined by the Government.

Last Saturday night, when asked about the fortnightly review of restrictive measures at the municipal level, Prime Minister António Costa said that in the previous 14 days the international criterion of 240 cases per 100,000 inhabitants was adopted, adding that a assessment. of the situation this Thursday.

“As a result of this reevaluation, there will be 121 councils that will leave the list and others that will have to join. It can be justified that, next Thursday [hoje], the Council of Ministers can adopt more restrictive measures ”, he explained.

Portugal currently has 121 specific and more restrictive measures to combat the covid-19 pandemic in force due to the high incidence rate of registered cases, establishing the limit of 240 cases per 100,000 inhabitants as the threshold for inclusion in this list. of municipalities.

“In the last 15 days there has been a very different evolution in the epidemiological situation in the 121 municipalities and that is why it may be justified (I do not anticipate it, but it may be justified) that in the next Thursday we will adopt differentiated measures for the different provinces” , stressed the prime minister, in his statements last Saturday.

A week ago, and due to the daily increase in cases in his municipality – motivated mainly by an outbreak in an evangelical church with many faithful and by private parties in houses and night venues – the Câmara de Portimão had already appealed to the civic spirit of its citizens to try to block the entry of this municipality in the list. The autarky has been underlining, in social networks, the negative impact that the most restrictive measures will have on the economy and the life of Portimón citizens.

In the case of Faro, it was only yesterday that the City Council shared, on its Facebook page, information about the fact that it is very likely that today the municipality is included in the list. Indicating that the municipality of the capital of the Algarve already had “38 cases above the red line”, the official position admitted that Faro could “be one of the counties included in the list of counties with restrictions”, decided today by the Government .

Click here to see the higher quality graphic, in PDF

Click here to know in detail the measures that apply to the municipalities on the list

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